HongIce Angst/Fluff

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Since Leon insisted on watching a Shrek movie, Emil decided to indulge in his pleads for once. He was never one for 3D animated movies, but he would watch whatever for his boyfriend. He would try to enjoy it at least a little bit.

So there they sat. Leon was so entranced in the movie, yet Emil just looked around aimlessly. He didn't know what to do. He wasn't too interested in a donkey and a green goblin-thing to be honest...

His eyes darted to his boyfriend. Oh how precious he was. Even if he wasn't a fan of the movie, watching his boyfriend be so engrossed in an animated film was somewhat interesting.

He wondered if Leon ever paid that much attention to him?

Just... watching. Falling in love as always. Oh likely not. He hated thinking that way, but he believed he wasn't entirely worthy of that amount of love. He could feel his throat begin to tighten a bit.

Emil hated that feeling. It was supposed to be a simple movie night, yet he had to go and think complex thoughts about their relationship. What a bummer. He just hoped Leon wouldn't take notice.

Emil tried not to show anything outwardly. The one thing he couldn't control was his need to fidget though. And the sweating... and the fact he wasn't breathing quite normally. He was bad at this.

Leon looked over nervously. His boyfriend had his eyes glued to the floor and his head down. He could tell the blonde's emotions just from a simple study.

He could literally hear his breathing. He could see his chest rise and fall at a rapid rate. He knew there was something terribly wrong.

Leon put an arm around Emil's shoulder, leaning him over to lay against him. His eyes clouded with worry, "Hey, you okay, babe?" Emil wouldn't dare look up., though he scooted closer to Leon.

Leon leaned down to kiss the top of his lover's head. He talked in a low tone, "I love you so much. I want you to know that, alright?" Emil nervously looked up to meet Leon's gaze. He had a small, tender smile to reassure him. It definitely worked its charm.

Emil took a deep breath and leaned more into Leon, smiling as he wrapped an arm around him.

"I love you too"

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