Chapter 1

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You thanked Miss Adams as she gave you the money for babysitting her boys. They were quite the handful but you managed to get them to bed.
As you was about to leave, Miss Adams stopped you, "Would you be able to look after the boys again tomorrow? I know it's a bit late to ask but I have another date"

You looked at her and gave her a warm smile "What time would you need me here?". Miss Adams sighed in relief  "is 7 o'clock ok with you?
You nodded and began putting your shoes on.
Walking out the front door waving to Miss Adams as you got a pain in your stomach. This is the part of the day you always dread. Going home to your father. You let out an exhausted sigh, put the money in your bag, since your farther would probably take it from her since he let you live there. But then you began your walk home.Your father would probably shout at you for being late again. The thought of him shouting at you made your stomach curl you couldn't think of anything worse, but you enjoyed the late night air it was peaceful and quiet. You had to be careful of the man they call "The grabber" it made you cringe when you thought about his name.

Your father worked at the police station, lately he's been searching for those children that have been kidnapped. You didn't even wanna think about what would have probably happened to them, disgusting that a person would take a child. You felt so sorry for them yet you were able to have time away from her father which made you happy but guilty because of those poor, poor boys.

As you turned up to your house, you stopped in your tracks to see your father's car was outside. You sighed as you felt an anxious feeling in your stomach. You tried to be as quiet as possible.
You opened the door slowly and carefully so it wouldn't make a sound. You slid off your shoes and tiptoed to your room. The slight creak from the floor made your farthers head turn.
"(Y/N)?" He said in a cold tone. You kept your back to him trying not to show him fear, tears starting to form in your eyes. "Look at me when I'm talking to you" His voice started to get meaner and meaner everytime he spoke a word. As scared as you were, you looked directly at him. "(Y/N), where were you? Why are you home so late?" He said in a deep mean tone.

"I-I was ba-babysitting M-Miss Adams C-children" you gulped after saying the sentence, worried what your father would say or do even.
"Next time come home at the time I tell you to, got it?" You nodded your head as he grabbed his police belt and hat."They need me at the station tonight, there's food in the freezer"He said as he walked to the front door. He stopped, "Clean up you hear me!" As he stepped outside the door slammed. Not realising he hadn't lock the front door, you ran to go lock it. You stared out the window and waited till he left, as soon as you saw his car back out of the drive-way you let out a sight of relief.

You quickly tidied up the mess he left in the living room and made yourself the frozen food, it wasn't exactly that great but it was at least something to eat. When you finished you cleaned up your plate, so your father wouldn't shout at you for being "lazy". You got changed into your pyjamas and drifted away into a deep sleep. You kept waking up in the middle of the night staring out the window because you were so tired, eventually your body let you finally fall asleep.

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