Chapter 2

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You woke up to things being smashed, your name being shouted aloud. "(Y/N) GET DOWN THESE STAIRS RIGHT NOW!" You felt your heart race, your father had come home drunk. You wanted to stay in your cozy bed and melt away. But you knew he would do more if you didn't go down the stairs. You began to get up from your bed, rubbing your tired eyes. You felt your heart race.
You opened your door and walked down the stairs to face your father, he was definitely drunk you could see it in his face.

He had a bottle of alcohol in his right hand, he was falling about knocking things over, smashing glass decorations, while drinking the bottle. "CLEAN THIS UP NOW!" He shouted at you, tears formed in your eyes as you began to get down and pick up the pieces. But then you felt something hit you hard in the face causing you to fall on her side, it was your father, he had hit you.
Your cheek started to turn red from how hard he had hit you, tears starting to fall from your face.
"NEXT TIME DO IT FASTER!" He yelled as he stumbled towards the bathroom.

You knew that he would be in there for a long time, since he was throwing up his guts. You picked up the pieces of the shattered glass and put it into the bin, you then looked back to the bathroom to make sure he was still in there.
As soon as you checked you got your bag and slipped on your shoes sneaking out the front door, running quickly to the end of the street so your father wouldn't be able to see you. It's was 2:00 which meant you still had 5 hours left till baby sitting Miss Adams children. You then headed to walk in the direction of the library.
As you got to the library you picked out a romantic book, your favourite actually. But reading these types of books made you question if you'd ever meet your soulmate. You had no friends since high school and didn't get out much.

As you were sat in a comfortable chair, you began reading away. You felt yourself drifting away since you were so comfortable and you didn't get much sleep since your father came home drunk and had woken you up. You fell into a deep sleep, you had began to dream. Before your mother passed away she told you that your dreams meant something, you always remembered and kept that with you so whenever you did have a dream you thought you knew what was going to happen to you next in life. This time in your dream you saw a man with a blurred face, he looked like he was a magician with a top hat on, there black balloons floating away into the sky. You tried to make out what the man looked like but you had gotten woken up by your watch before you could even get close tho him.

You rubbed your eyes and got up to look at your watch. It was 6:30, jeez did you sleep for that long? You as anxious at the time as you were, you began to walk out of the library and walk to Miss Adams home. Your walk wasn't that long since Miss Adams only lived 10 minutes away from the library. As soon as you got there it was already getting dark out. You knocked on the door and Miss Adams opened it, she was wearing a sparkly red dress, pearl necklace, face of makeup and had her hair done. You knew you could never pull off something like that, not even if you wanted to.
You then walked inside and greeted to boys. "(Y/N)!!!" The two boys called out with smiles on their faces.

You then looked back at Miss Adams, "I must be going now but thank you ever so much for taking care of my boys" Miss Adams said then walk out of the door worried by the time. You and the boys passed the time by playing some games like hide and seek then as it became 10 pm you tucked them into bed reading them a bed time story before leaving the room to sit on the couch.
You look at the clock it was now 11:30 and Miss Adams had only just turned up to the house, you knew your father would get angry at you for being late and this time it was more than late.

"I'm sorry Miss Adams but I do have to go my father will be wondering where I am" you said with fear in your voice. "That's fine dear, thank you so so much" Miss Adams then handed you the money a bit extra this time because she was so late back, and you both waved to eachother as you began your walk home. She sighed at the thought of going home late again, not knowing what your father would do since you were already late yesterday, yet today it was even later. What would he do? As you were walking down the street you saw a man with a top hat and white face paint on. It seemed that he was looking for something.
Curiosity took the better of you.

You then walked to the man "Excuse me sir do you need help?" You, as kind as you were of course you wanted to help him. He looked up at you, his eyes were a light shade of blue and his hair was turning grey but you could still see the light brown in his hair, he almost looked like the man in your dream but you didn't know if you should be sure of it since you hadn't seen the mans face in your dream. You locked eyes for a moment, making your stomach flutter. But then he broke the silence "Oh it seems I have dropped my keys, but it's very dark" he said with a chuckle.
You then bent down and began running your hand over the cold pavement, you then felt the cold metal on your fingers, making you wince a little.

"Here you go sir!" You said with a smile. "Oh thank you ever so much, could I get your name?" He said with a grin. She thought for a second about if she should give him her name since he was a stranger, then stuttered out "(Y/N)" you had a nervous look on your face. "Albert, Albert shaw" he said as he bowed and lowered his top hat to you. You gave a small chuckle, "nice to meet you Albert but I do have to get going" you waved and then began to walk away. You felt a hand on your shoulder making you stop and turn. "Hey (Y/N), you know it was really nice to meet you, here's my card call it if you seem to get lonely or if you just want a small chat" he said with a smile and then waved to you before walking to the drivers side of his van.

You began your walk again not knowing what to process at that moment of time, when a stranger just gave you his number, you felt shocked because nobody really wanted to speak to you let alone give you their number. You than turned up to the house, your fathers car not in the drive way. Phew, you sighed in relief to the sight and smiled to yourself. You opened the front door since your father never locked it as always and got into your silk pyjamas and sat and your bed looking for things to do, then noticed the small card on your desk, you kept looking at the small card Albert had given to you. You then decided that should would call it tomorrow since it was getting late and he probably was asleep right now, you didn't want to bother him and you didn't know if it was a good idea right now. You then drifted into your sleep thinking about what happened on the street, what if it was a sign? Should you call him or was it a bad idea.

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