Chapter 4

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You woke up greated with the sounds of birds chirping as you sat up and stretched. You got out of bed, put on your dressing gown and began to walk downstairs. You made yourself some breakfast, as you waited you went to go get changed so you could go to the library. You worse a white flared dress and a white bow in your hair.
You heard the sound, *ping* the toaster had made your toast. You grabbed her toast and went to go check the mail. As you stepped outside you saw something that you never thought you would never see in your life. There he was, Al. You couldn't believe your eyes. You tried to keep your head down as you didn't wanna be seen by him but he had already noticed you and came walking towards you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" A happy voice said and you jumped at the sudden noise. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.", "it's okay Al don't worry about it", "I can't believe we are neighbours, I haven't noticed you before" Al spoke, you noticed him looking you up and down at what outfit you were wearing but decided not to make a big deal of it, you nodded in response and gave a smile. You were so very close to him once again, you were so hypnotised by his eyes. Al tapped on your shoulder "you ok?", "Oh yeah im fine", "Well I'll see you around, remember you're always welcome to come over if you like!" He waved as he walked back over to his home. You waved back and thought about what he said. You shrugged it off and began to lock the door to go to the library, today it was very warm so you enjoyed your walk there. When you got there you got the book you had a few days ago, you wanted to know what happened next it was so fascinating to you. You sat into your comfy chair and read your book. You felt herself drifting away again but you decided to get up and go home.

After a long walk home you took off your shoes and walked up to your room, you began reading to pass some time when you found yourself keep looking at Als card. You wanted to go over to his home but didn't know if you should. You thought it out before deciding to just call him instead, you had his contact on your phone as Al. You dial his number but there was no answer you felt yourself becoming more bored waiting for an answer. Eventually, you decide to give him a message. "Hey Al, what you up to?" You sent the message waiting for a reply. Your phone made a sound, it read "Hey (Y/N), sorry for not answering, im just making some food right now." You thought about what to reply, as you were about to type another message came up, "You could always stop bye my doors open sweetheart"

You thought to yourself before going to put your shoes on, whats the worst that could happen? You took your key and locked the door as you left heading for Als house. You decide to knock and heard a dog barking from the other side "SAMSON, SHUT UP!" A voice called while getting closer to the door. A man about 5'6 with a moustache and dark brown hair answered the door looking at you in confusion. "Hey, can i help you?" The man asked. You could see Al pear his head around the door frame of the kitchen before doing a little jog to the door. "Hi Al!" You smiled. "Do you know them Albert?" The man asked. "Yeah, Max, this is (Y/N)" he replied.

"Ohhhh, them, who you've been talking about all the time" max muttered but you could still hear him. Al gave shoved him with his shoulder before he gave you his hand as a way of telling you to come in so you grabbed it and came inside. "Make yourself at home, darling" Al said, making your face turn slightly red. You sit on the couch next to you as you look around, it was pretty well kept apart from the table in front of you. It had lines of cocaine, you stared at it before max began to snort it. Al glared at him "You know its rude in front of our guest", "Sorry Albert, ill get it tidied away" you felt uncomfortable as you don't know your surroundings but Al came and sat next to you giving you a smile. "Oh, i didn't introduce you to max, (Y/N) meet max my brother, Max meet (Y/N)" you waved at max and he gave you a smile.

Al then went into the kitchen probably to finish the food he was talking about. Max then whispering "Y'know he's been talking about you non stop, i don't know what he wants with you but he just wont stop talking" he chuckled. You laughed to yourself before being greeted by the dog you assumed was called samson that was barking behind the door. He licked your face as you started to pet him then went to go lay down.
"Are you staying the night" Al shouted from the other room, assuming he was asking you "No, im sorry my dad might start to worry" Al look over from the door frame again giving you a pouty face as to say he was said, making you chuckle.

The past few hours flew by, laughing a lot with Al and max. It was time to go home you didn't want your dad to get angry if he was back so soon. "I better be going, guys" you got up and walked to the door, Al following behind. They both said bye to you, as you were about to leave you pulled Als hand to stop him from going inside. He gave you a confused look, you stood on your tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving. Your face turned red as you ran to your house, you looked back half way and saw Al smiling to himself while going inside.

When you unlocked your door you squealed like a child taking off your shoes running upstairs into your room, why did you do that? You had only know the guy for like 2 days and you kissed him on the cheek. You got a shower and still thought about him trying to figure out reasons why you did it, yet you couldn't come to any conclusion of why you decided on it, we're you falling for the guy you only just meant?

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