Chapter Nineteen

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Two years later...
"Are we all set to go?" Suigetsu asked as he came into the room.

I finished applying my eyeliner. "Just finishing up," I replied, standing up. I walked over to the closet and slipped into my pink floral dress and white sandals. I pulled my black gown on over my dress. I placed my golden yellow hood over my head and set it on my shoulders before I pinned my graduation cap to the top of my head. "Now I'm ready." I smiled.

"That cap and gown suit you well, my love." Suigetsu smiled.

"This is because you pushed me to live my dreams. Now, I'm about to graduate with high honors from college with a bachelor's degree in finance."

"This is all what you you, Karin. All I did was suggest you do what you want."

I found an express degree program that allowed me to complete my degree in two years. I officially left the tavern and have begun working days as a teller at the bank with Sarah. Once I get this diploma, I will be able to apply for the bank's open financial advisor position.

We got to the stadium where my graduation was taking place, and I felt overly excited. Azula, Aiden, and Suigetsu are all here with me to celebrate my achievement. My perfect little family, that's why I went to college to get a better job. The smiles on both my kids' faces remind me how lucky we are to have Suigetsu in our lives every day.

After my graduation commencement, Suigetsu drove us home. But when he exited off the highway, he took a different exit. "I didn't think we were going to go to my parents tonight," I commented.

"We're not." Suigetsu smiled without looking at me. "Then where are we going?"

"You'll see." I eyed my husband cautiously as he slowed the car and pulled into the parking lot of the tavern. "We're going to celebrate with a dinner at the place that made all of this possible," Suigetsu stated.

We got out of the car and walked into the tavern as a family. I entered the tavern on a Friday night for the first time in a year. Suigetsu pushed the door open and held it for Azula and me to walk in. "Congratulations, Karin!" everyone yelled when I entered.

I turned to Suigetsu, who smiled and set Aiden on the floor. "How did I not see this coming?" I asked with a chuckle.

Suigetsu shrugged. "Because we're that good." He told me, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Karinnnn! I miss my girl, but I am so thrilled that you have successfully finished college." Danzo called, coming over and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "And look at her, the last time I saw miss Azula, she was a wee thing in your arms. Oh, this little man must be the mysterious Aiden very few people know about."

"It's so good to see you, Danzo," I replied, looking around. "Is Carol here?"

"She will be here soon." He boasted proudly. "You know she wouldn't miss seeing you and congratulating you on this achievement."

I made my way around receiving congratulations on my graduation from everyone. All my old regulars, my parents, Suigetsu's parents, Kakashi, Juugo, his family, and Ino, were there. They all gave me a card of congratulations. My mom and dad took the kids to their house while everyone began buying me drinks.

As soon as the first drink found its way to our table, I looked at it hesitantly. "I haven't had a drink since our honeymoon." I laughed.

"Enjoy baby, I'll drive you home." Suigetsu chuckled.

"I plan to enjoy," I commented as I took a sip. "I love you so much. You helped me get to where I am today. I am so thankful that you walked into my life in this place, on a Friday night four years ago, and sat at this very table." I recalled.

"I'm the lucky one here, Karin. I came into the tavern four years ago. I met a gorgeous waitress who brought me a beer and is now my wife and the proud mother of my two kids I adore. I can't imagine my life any better than this."


Sasuke Uchiha and his wife Sakura moved to Hawaii, where he's been stationed for the past two years. I was able to convince Suigetsu that it wasn't worth the retaliation of the Uchiha family if he pressed assault and battery charges against Sasuke. I just wanted Sasuke out of our lives, and I got that wish.

We explained to Azula that Sasuke was confused since every explanation we thought about didn't seem appropriate to tell a three-year-old at the time. Suigetsu and I agree that when she is ten and Aiden is eight, we will tell them both the truth about Sasuke. We know that they deserve to know the truth, but we don't know how to tell toddlers about the situation.

I may have many reasons to hate Sasuke Uchiha, but he did give me two blessings. If we want to get technical, I met the love of my life by chance, thanks to Sasuke Uchiha. Had he not invited all his shipmates to his engagement party that weekend, I may never have met Suigetsu. Part of me wonders where I'd be without Suigetsu, but the rest of me doesn't want to ever find out.

We adopted a male Golden Retriever and named him Harley. A year later, Azula saw a cute girl beagle she named Pepper when we brought her home. My family have two human children and two fur babies, and we are living the dream.

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