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Author's note: This chapter does not take place in the setting of the actual story. This is more of an introduction chapter for character building, you will only meet one character here. You do not need to read this chapter to understand the story, It can be skipped if you want to get right into the action. It's a courtesy we decided to add a bit of backstory for her. It's also not very long and future chapters will be longer, leave a comment if you did like the chapter length or if you want bigger chapters.

Hailey's POV:

Today is my date with Zachery, we had been planning this date for about a week. It's always been impossible to line up our schedules. Zach has always been so busy outside of school, between finding a job and extracurriculars. He's trying to graduate High School early and by the end of the semester will have his associates degree.

Although I am sitting in a similar boat, already having my gold award from Girlscouts and trying to obtain a scholarship in a soccer career or at least use the scholarship to get into a good school and become a history professor at a college.

Today though is a Saturday where we both have a free day and can spend it together having lunch, see a movie at the theatre and complete an escape room together. Today is going to be amazing.

After helping my little brother with some project he has for school, I head out the door. Zach's house is a few blocks down the road, but I take a shortcut through the forest to his house anyways so it's not even a few blocks, just a trail and then a road. I'm partially lost in thought on my way there. I hope he kisses me while on the date, perhaps during the movie, or maybe after we finish an escape room, or I could be the one to kiss him.

It takes a few minutes before I step up to his door and knock. His father opened it.

"Hello Hailey, how are you today. Oh. you're here to see Zachary. Come on in. He's upstairs with a friend."

A friend? Maybe... he is just nervous and it's for moral support, I'm sure they will leave as soon as I step in. Heading upstairs with optimism. I walk into his room without a care like I've done so many times before. I can't help but freeze as soon as I observe the room. It was another girl. "Zach? Who is that?"

I watched Zach jolt in his bed, a girl was next to him in bed. They were watching some TV show. "Uh... I'm watching a show with my girlfriend. Hailey, I dumped you like a month ago, you need to stop coming to my house. It's getting creepy now." He moves around the girl in his bed and stands up. "Stay right here babe, let me deal with this."

I can't believe what I'm hearing, I can hardly speak because of the shock. "Wh- but- we- You and I- WE planned a date today, not even yesterday we were talking about it!" I decided to form my emotions into anger and aggression. Is this him Dumping me!?

He pushed me out of the room, joined me and closed the door behind him. "Hailey, look I know what I said but I promise I needed to do this. She's blackmailing me."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, there was no way he was trying to play this off. "And the only way out was to date her? No, I'm not going to be played with like a toy." I turned and started to walk away when he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I shove him off and slap him across the face "Don't touch me! I told you! I date someone because i want to marry them, i see a future with them! I dated YOU because I wanted to Marry you!" I feel my eyes sting, I don't want to cry in front of him. That's weakness, he can exploit weakness. He's been exploiting me for who knows how long. "I have been dedicated to you for 3 years now. I thought you cared." I can't stay here anymore, I don't want him to see that I cared still. What he's done is unforgivable. Without another word I dash down the stairs and swing the front door open, slamming it behind me. I can hear him calling out behind me but I don't want to hear it. I feel tears sting at my eyes and spill down my face in rivets.

Wiping at my eyes I sprint back the way I came, towards the forest. Before starting on the path home I slow down to a walk. My breath was ragged and distressed. My heart hurts so much, I felt like I could collapse. I knew I would lash out if anyone tried to comfort me, so I headed to the most familiar place I could think of. It was deeper in the forest, a thin overgrown path leading to a run down treehouse. It was my place, it held good memories of Zach and I. I didn't want to just leave him but why did he do that?

Climbing up slowly I hide on the center of the platform, out of sight from eyes below. Then I just let myself cry. Sitting there alone I let myself hurt and hurt, until I drifted to sleep too tired and emotional to notice the weather turning cloudy and windy.


I turn my face away and roll to the floor with a start. Jolting up I feel water drip onto me. Confused and startled, I looked around quickly and it was raining. I was still in the treehouse after seeing Zach. "Oh yeah..." I feel so fucking played. The rain suddenly starts to pour down. Oh shit. "Augh, why? I swear this town has more storms than England." I get up quickly needing to rush home now. The storm picks up ferocity as I get to the ground. "Mother fucker im having a bad day, back off god!" My words die in my throat as lightning strikes nearby and nearly deafens me. Im filled with fear swiftly, my annoyance disappearing. "My mistake. I said nothing, howdy do god?" The next moment I feel like I'm on fire then I see black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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