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After the conversation with billie, I stormed out of the party. I couldn't believe what she said. what does she mean by trafficking sector.

By the time I get outside, I'm starting to freak out. I suck in a huge breath of air in attempt to calm down.

I decide to walk home, since the idea of being in a confined space make me want to scream right now. After a few minutes I realise it isn't the best idea to walk home at night by myself, but I continue eager to get home.

I make it home after 30 minutes in the freezing cold, I unlock my apartment and go straight to my room where I flop onto my bed.

My mind starts to race. If Billie knows my dad, does she know what happened to him? She couldn't, I've never told a soul.

I attempt to figure out a solution or answer or anything plausible, but nothing comes to me, and just decide to fall asleep.

I'm talking to Billie tomorrow. I need answers.


I wake up at 6. Feeling the slight effects of the alcohol from yesterday.

I get dressed throwing on anything I can find on my floor, and I race out the door running to the shop, feeling adrenaline and anger rush through me.

Once I reach the door, I swing it open and storm in, may looks up from the counter and examines my face.

"Sade? Are you ok?" she walks slowly toward me hesitantly as if I could pounce on her at any minute.

I ignore her question and get straight to the point. "where's Billie" she sighs and looks down "she's in the back room, but you can't go in there sh- "

Ignore the rest of her sentence and walked swiftly toward the door Billie told me not to go in yesterday. I bang my fist against it 3 times, and I hear murmuring from the other side.

I stand up straighter attempting to look more confident as the door swings open. Billies looks at me and frowns "what the fuck do you want" she snaps, I try to hide my fear and attempt to reply confidently "I want answers"

She sighs knowingly and opens the door more, gesturing for me come in. I nod, satisfied with the result, and walk into the small room.

There are two beat couches, with a coffee table and a desk covered in paper and rubbish.

She gestures for me to sit on one of the couches, I obey, and she takes a seat opposite me.

"right" she looks up at me and her blues eye stare into my soul "I don't want to do this as much as you. But I have no choice" she continues to stare at me, and I look down at my lap feeling uncomfortable.

"look, whether you knew what your dad did or not, I don't care. I still hate you. He was a piece of shit." I look back up at her and the hatred in her face is clear.

"what did he do?" I say quietly, scared to speak any louder.

"he kidnapped girls, little girls, and kept them in a big house, he would barely feed them, treat them like shit. They would stay there, until he sold them. Sold them for sex, to be sex slaves. And he didn't even have to move, he did it all from the comfort of his own home".

I sit there in silence. I had no clue. It's good what I did to him.

"I didn't know" I whisper. She leans forward "Sade. This is serious now, because people in the ring know who you are, and now that you know you must be a part of it" she hesitates for a moment "or I'll have to kill you"

My eyes shoot up and I start breathing heavily "what do you mean? Join the drug ring? Are you kidding me!?

She stands up and walks toward her desk "trust me I don't want it either" she sits at her desk and reaches into her drawer "I'm assuming your going to take the staying alive option, so, on Friday meet us here at 7, wearing this" she drops a huge box on her desk "don't be late, he won't wait for you"

I stand up and walk toward her and pick the box. I open the door and go to walk out when billie says my name, I turn around and her blue eyes stare directly into mine.

"don't fuck this up"

I nod and head out the room, the door shuts softly behind me, and I drag my feet out of the shop and toward home.

I walk absentmindedly to my apartment, feeling numb.

I can't believe it, I knew my dad was a bad man but I didn't know it was this bad. Does my mum know?

I stop my brain from overthinking, and head into my apartment. falling onto the kitchen floor and closing my eyes.

The cold tiles feeling nice against my warm skin. I've never felt this way before. Just as I start to dose off there a loud knock at my door.

I groan and stand up reluctantly, I open the door and see aura standing there looking worried.

"hey, I heard what happened. I'm sorry Sade, no one really lasts long until they find out" I look up at her with a frown "find out about what?" she laughs awkwardly "you know, the drug ring, although with you it's weird, cause you don't have a connection to it" I sigh in relief, she doesn't know about my dad.

"yeah, I know, it ok I guess" she raises her eyebrows "your taking this surprisingly well" I laugh a little "it hasn't hit me yet" she nods understandingly "well I'll be on my way now, let me know if you need anything" she stands there for a second expecting me to do the polite thing and ask if she wants to stay, but I don't have the energy to be polite right now.

And the kitchen floor is waiting for me.

She nods and walks off reluctantly, I close the door and go back to my spot on the kitchen floor and close my eyes, hoping to get some peace before I face this thing head on.


thanks for reading 


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