Chapter 4: Subito

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I always found it hard to fall asleep because I never had any vibrantly exciting dreams, I would rarely ever have dreams in the first place. There would be the rare occasion every once in a while where I would 'wake up' and be in an unfamiliar room, and I would be unable to get up from my spot. I'd hear a noise that I couldn't quite describe from a light that was barely visible from underneath a slit in the wall. Moments later I would wake up in the morning feeling nearly refreshed for the next day.

My closet was almost completely emptied out that morning in a room where everywhere was missing except my bed, that was where I would wake up. That was where I was supposed to wake up and waking up there would conclude that I wasn't dreaming.

I looked at the time "11:30" . How could I possibly sleep in so late? I'd always wake up at roughly the same time, between a time frame of 7:00 and 7:30 then I would stay in bed for a little while not wanting to get up. Then Troy would knock on my door asking if I was okay, Troy! I sprung up from my bed having a strange feeling well in my stomach, the worry that something was very wrong.

I rushed out of my room and I remembered everything right away, such as the path to get to the kitchen where I would normally find Troy heating up a pot of coffee. I could sniff out the distinctive and pungent smell from a mile away, but there was nothing and the air was stale.

I came to the kitchen but it was completely empty, or more so there was nothing out of the ordinary, it has been a little over eight months I believe since I had received the news. Where did she go? My whole mind fluttered off into a panic, I came to the note on the kitchen counter. "I probably scared you by not coming by and knocking on the door when 8:00 rolled by, Nika just needed to get me to hospital ASAP, all the security systems are on so you should be safe, breakfast is in the fridge you just need to heat it up. I'll be back as soon as this all gets sorted out. Love, Troy." My fear was muffled by a sigh of relief, for a brief moment my life had frozen but now it continued on as before.

I sat down at the table with my food heated up in front of me, it seemed a little late to eat breakfast now, I might spoil the rest of my meals throughout the day. I looked out the window which was facing towards the beach, one of the few windows in the house, and most of them provided a clear view of the ocean. For the first time I was curious as to what the salt water tasted and felt like.

I finished up my meal and placed the empty plate on the counter next to the sink. What to do with my time now that I couldn't begin my lessons without Troy being present? Maybe I should go back and talk to my electronic journal to pass the time or maybe finish up my closet while I still have the chance to focus. Two more weeks until it was time to move, two more weeks and then I would have a little sister, that was what the doctor told me.

I was both excited imagining the experience of being introduced to a new life. Was there a bigger change that I could possibly experience than having my first little sister? She wouldn't be around my age so I wouldn't be interested in the same things, actually maybe we'll like some of the same things. Maybe I should show her some of the things that I like.

I was preparing to return to my room when I heard familiar voices from behind the entryway of the house. A vibrant conversation ensued between two people as the security system cheaped to signify that it had been disarmed. For a brief moment I was shocked with fear and instinctively ducked under the table feeling as though I had remembered being told to do so at some point in my life. Being home alone was something that rarely happened

I had been promised a gradual change, one that I was decently prepared for, Troy had told me that we would get through this together bit by bit. Yet peering out from under the table the view was our very first encounter, and in a way I had just been plunged into what I promised I would slide it into. Not of my own will of course and I knew that it was the beginning of something I would much rather go without living through. The beginning of the journey of which my name foretold as I believe someone told me so before I could remember.

"Ambrose, " Nika was the first to call out. Once he entered through the door, I had been concealed by the tablecloth and despite knowing of my safety I didn't have enough time to think of anything else. "Hmm, maybe he's still asleep." He murmured to himself, it appeared that he was the only one who came back, where was Troy? Was she alright? Thoughts of what could have happened made me anxious.

I cowered under the table for a few moments. This feeling of uneasiness that returned , I gulped it down only to emerge from underneath the table cloth. Nika had already ventured down the hall to further investigate my location. I was surprised that he didn't look under the table, a place where I used to hide often.I suppose I had grown out of it so he just assumed I wouldn't now.

"N-nika, where's Troy?" I asked after lurking behind him in the hallway for a few more moments. He didn't notice me or acknowledge me until I had finally decided to say something.

"Troy? About that, Ambrose, she'll be in the hospital for a couple of days. The doctors want to make sure that she is okay before they let her bring Me-, or I mean let her come home." Nika wasn't startled and spoke as though he had known that I was there all along, but if that was so why would he purposely avoid me and pretend to not know.

" They let her bring what home?" I wouldn't pretend as though I hadn't heard what he said. I couldn't just simply brush it off, even though most of the time I would brush off any tiny flaw and not let it bother me. When it came to the safety of those who were close to me it was.

"Looks like I've accidentally ruined the surprise, okay, okay I'll tell you. She's bringing Melokuhle home in a couple of days." I had never heard such a name before, and I was unable to process who he was talking about, so I didn't say anything at all. It was after a few breaths that Nika's face had begun to display some guilt. "I know we promised you more time, but Melokuhle will be your younger brother from now on."

Author's Note: The child has been born and the infant will soon be officially introduced. There's nothing quite as exciting but also anxiety inducing as welcoming a new small being into the bloodline. I remember as I was writing this I was thinking about how Ambrose is so dependant on Troy. Like she left for a few hours and dude instantly started panicking. I mean, he is a child and Troy is basically his mother, so maybe I shouldn't be too hard on him. Anyways I hope that you enjoy this chapter I thought it was slightly more action packed than the last four. You'll be getting more that soon, dun dun dunnnnnn.

Question of the Chapter: How do you think Ambrose is going to like his new baby brother? Or will there be a lot of future conflict between them? Find out in the next chapter.

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