Chapter 9: Opus (Mid-Part 1 Finale)

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"Welcome Ambrose Hernan Lyle, that's you correct?" A man I have never met until now stands in front of me, seeming to know more about me than even I do. He knows my name, how old I am, my entire family. He even knew my actual birthday, the hospital across the ocean in Patras where I was born, and apparently knew all along. I really hate this one world education system. My information is everywhere except for my own head.

"Yes, that's correct." Troy's hand reaches out to touch my shoulder. I took my sweet time responding on purpose but she jumped in ruining it. She had no idea so I'm not frustrated.

" Though it looks like you've taken up quite the few last names in the past. Though you don't have the same last name as the Kasambas, the family you currently live with. Correct?" Another thing I was not aware of, I don't remember all my last names. I thought that Lyle was the only one. Even now I prefer not to think too much about it.

"That's also correct." I sigh, I feel like I'm under an intense interrogation as the interrogator is trying to incriminate me for something I didn't even know happened. I feel as though I could melt away here under the intense heat, I begin fumbling around with my fingers.

"I suppose you have your own reason for that. I apologize for being intrusive beforehand, but it is required that anyone who enters this facility has a test. Your guardians have already shown me identification. However-." He reaches his hand out towards my neck but before he can get remotely close I latch onto his wrist. His face appears to grimace slightly from the pain but he is trying to be discrete or maybe attempting to not give me the satisfaction.

"What are you doing?" His gaze shifts endlessly between our hands and my face that is stuck in horror, I can barely murmur, I'm just so confused. I let go, I couldn't stand being here, how was I supposed to endure this for a whole year? People trying to touch my neck, with the thought sending chills down my spine, I take a few steps back. After that I take a few more striding away.

I flee to behind a corner, I can hear that both Troy and Nika are calling out to me with voices filled with obvious concern. I ignore them and their words blur into white noise as I duck behind the corner where I can't be seen. I sit on the floor and bring my face to my knee.

There's no comfort here, there's no comfort anywhere. I would have gone to Troy for comfort but she refused to help me even back there. I know that I still have to put my trust in her but I don't think there's anything wrong with just wanting to confide in myself. Especially in moments of betrayal, I just sat there sulking hoping that I could gain the courage.

They haven't come looking for me so I should probably get back up and see what they are doing. So I get up and peer around the corner. I was doing that thing again where I concealed the rest of my body behind the wall. Of course in the midst of a strange presence for the first time in years I believe that it was actually called for. Alas the habit is still alive.

Troy and Nika are talking to the stranger who knows so much about me. It doesn't appear that I am the topic of the conversation or it's evidence of Nika being able to crack a joke out of any situation. Troy on the other hand is off to the side still in visible distress, and this frustrates me. What frustrates me even more is that I can't tell why it frustrated me. I need to go back out there, because now I'm only reminded of the possibility that I may be the problem.

"You can come out now Ambrose, it's alright, this man doesn't want to hurt you he just needs to check your neck to make sure you aren't carrying a nanoweapon or something like that." Nika chuckles a bit, but his smile that's normally contagious fails to have an effect on my own expression. I'm still terrified and it doesn't help that Troy only sinks deeper into distress as she reaches out to his shoulder. He holds her trembling hand tightly, not letting go.

"Sorry, I was just a little startled." I walk slowly at first it feels as though there is this invisible force trying to push me back. However I fight the urge to hide forever and come out.

"Now, are we ready to finish the examination, Mr. Lyle." I nod, not finding words to be worth it in this situation. I'd prefer not to go deep into a description of the experience. So I just kept my eyes closed until he told me that I had passed the test. I now open my eyes to a Troy who is wearing relief on her expression. "Congratulations, I hope the experience wasn't too difficult."

"So that means we can finally get to the meat of the tour?" Nika verbally nudged everyone forward. I forgot that there was even more to this than just that stupid neck inspection that needed to be completed. I was being introduced to a new path of life.

"Of course." The stranger continued to lead us along the school setting, hallways arranged into classes. "You'll now be spending six hours of your day here, from ten to four five days a week with the exception of holidays." The stranger explains to me. Even though this is supposed to be normal, the thought of being separated from my family for that long haunts me. Still if I want to spend my life traveling the world without them I'll need to get used to being away from Troy and Nika.

"Will he be provided with transportation or would you prefer we bring him here?" Troy asks even though as if now she still seems to be in distress.

"It's really whatever you'd prefer. Of course on the first day, you're welcome to bring him here yourself. Then use public transportation from then on. Just whatever works." The stranger answers. Even though I know that I would prefer to not use public transportation. I've used it once before and today I have kept the vow to myself to never use it again.

The stranger reviewed every class I will be taking as an average student with the exception of English classes as it is not my first language. He showed me where I would be eating lunch and what facilities will be available to me outdoors during my lunch. As I use his words exactly, "There will be various extracurriculars available to him if he so chooses to participate." To which Nika nudged me insinuating that I had no choice but to participate in one of the following activities listed.

While I was on my tour there was another event that I found to be not necessarily weird but definitely unexpected. I could have that for a brief second I saw a familiar face lurking. Just as the stranger was presenting the vast gym area to us I felt as though something was hovering over us. So as I sought to find the source the door directly above us slammed shut. Even then I know I caught a glimpse of what I remembered to be Phenix.

Author's Note: I'm really happy to be back, for a while I just didn't have time to actually do anything on here. So it is official that I am going to be starting a new project soon. I won't tell you too much about it. Sorry I don't have very much to communicate at the moment my mind has been constantly drawing blanks on me. Until we meet again I hope that you stay safe and healthy.

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