Fade into you

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Griffin pov
*beep* *beep* I heard my alarm going off. Gosh I hate school so much.
I got up from bed brushed my teeth,brushed my hair and picked out my outfit.

My outfit:

Tbh I dk why I dress nice nobody even cares abt me or even knew I existed the only ppl who know me are my bullies

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Tbh I dk why I dress nice nobody even cares abt me or even knew I existed the only ppl who know me are my bullies. And ig the ppl that crowd around moose when he beats me up, but I'm pretty sure they forget abt the fight and me after 5 mins.
My mom yelled "YA IM COMING" I said.
I hate my mom she made us move from nyc to here I will never forgive her. I was so popular at my school in ny and I even had a gf. I mean I didn't really care when I had to break up with her idk why but I was never really attracted to her I just dated her cus she was also popular.
I snap back into reality I look at the time
Its 8:19!?!?!
"OMG" I say as I'm panicking I run out the house before my mom can say anything to me and I grab my skate board, but since I was late I was trying to go fast on my skate bored bc I hate being late I hate All the eyes on me. That's the only time I wished being "invisible" all the time worked.
"um are you okay?"
I heard a vice say I was confused but then I saw billy the most popular boy at school I was laying on him?
Then I realized I must have ran into him when I was daydreaming.
"I umm." I say nervously
"Ya! I'm so sorry" I quickly get up.
"It's no big deal, hey wait. Aren't you the kid that mosse was beating up?" Billy said
"Ya." I said

"Um hey are you okay your blushing?" Billy said

Fuck. I didn't know I was blushing, I mean I always thought billy was cool and cute but I never thought I was gay? Even tho my bully's do one time they carved the word "fag" into my arm.
"I umm I gotta go see you later or- nvm bye" I quickly say before getting up on my skate bored.

Time skip to first period.
I got to school and went to first period and of cores all there eyes where on me. But I ignored it and sat in the back of my class where i always sit
My head was down intill I hear everyone start talking so I look up.
I see billy. And he was walking to me???
Billy sat down next to me I just looked at him confused
(I'm just going to put there format letter name bc I'm lazy

G-"Uh hey"
G- if you dont mind me asking why are you sitting here?
B-well I mean you bumped into me and I was wondering if you wanted to be friends maybe?

G-oh ya okay
B-perfect meet me at lunch so you can sit with me and my friends!
G-oh um okay.
Time skip
Class ends and billy tells me to follow him idk why but every time I see billy I just start smiling and blushing. *snap*
B-hello griff??
I was blushing to the point I even knew I was blushing.
G-I um.. griff?
B-ya griff!
I think I saw him blushing?. No no what was I thinking there's no way billy liked me.
When I was day dreaming I felt something heavy on my shoulders I look and it's billy billy put his arm around me??!?!?
B-comon griff my friends are waiting for me
G-oh ya sorry let's go.
I was blushing so hard so I just put my head down but then I looked up and I saw my bully's and I was still blushing! FUCK I think I knew I was going to get beat up after but this was worth it.
By the time I was done trying not to die abt he fact Billy's arm was around me we where there with his friends.
B-hey guys!
(finny=f) (robin=r) (Bruce= br)
F-hey billy who's your new friend?
B- oh this is griffin! He bumped into me today coming to school
Omg I was so nervous I never talked to ppl at this school. I knew all of his friends but I bet you 100$ they didn't know who I was.
Br-hey griff!
Griff? I felt so uncomfortable when Bruce said it. But why when billy said it I felt so comfortable with it and happy?
B-it's griffin.
For some reason billy looked mad? And his voice was form.
Br- wow okay don't worry I wasting tying to steal your bf
G- b-bf?? He's not my bf Bruce.
Billy also looked sad and disappointed but idk why. Billy told me to sit down so I did I just let billy and his friends talk.
R-hey guys do you wanna have like a party at my house?
Everyone says yes.
ofc I didn't bc I knew he wasn't talking to me until I heard billy
b-hey can griff come to?
R-uh sure I don't see why not!
G-oh um thanks robin but I don't really do party's so I think I'll pa-
Billy cut me off.
B-comon griff please I promise it will be fun!
B-please come for me?.
I think Bruce,finny,and robin saw I was blushing bc when I looked at them they where giggling.
I loot at billy still while blushing and I noticed he was also blushing? Wtf. Did he like me? what no I'm so dumb HES so popular to ever like someone like me and he's not even gay.
G-I um okay
R-perfect come to my house 5:00
It's a sleepover!
They all agree
Time skip lunch was over so all billys friends and maybe mine to?. Left so it was just me and billy, it was getting awkward so I got up and said I had to go. Billy said "okay bye griff!" With a smile on his face,
I turn around and see my bully's I turn to get billy but he had already left so I just ran to the bathroom hoping the bully's would leave me alone.

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