Young and beautiful

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Griffin pov
It's been a week since me and billy had the argument, I still blame myself for talking with Ava. But since me and billy weren't talking I thought it was fine if I still talked to her. We talked at school and over the phone all the time

Time skip to school
"Hey griff"
"So I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on like a date?"
I was kinda shocked, because I didn't know Ava liked me liked that. But also bc I didn't know if me a billy where over.
"Oh Ava can I have some time to think?."
"Ofc see you later"
She winked at me before leaving
God she's so pretty, but I felt the same way with billy, so I went to go find him to ask if we where will a thing.

I found billy talking to Bruce, I walked over to billy and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around to face me his face looked annoyed, but also happy at the same time
"What do you want." Billy said
I didn't know if billy had told Bruce that he was gay and I didn't want to out him

"Can you come with me please just for a little"
Billy looked at Bruce then me
I grabbed Billy's hand and pulled him into the bathroom making sure no one was there
"What the fuck do you want?"
"Chill billy I just wanted to know if we where still a thing" I said crossing my arms and leaning on the wall
"What do you think" he said with a annoyed tone
"I don't know"
"No griffin! You already have Ava" "whatever billy I said as I pushed by his shoulder
"Wait griffin" 
I really wanted to cry but I stoped myself so I could respond to him "yes?" I said
"Where you just fucking with me"
He said leaning on the wall like I was before
"No ofc not billy"
"Then why do you like Ava, you clearly just wanted to fuck with me."
"Billy I wasn't fucking with you!"
"Ya okay" he said sounding mad
"Billy we made out 2 times, you think I would let you do that if I was just fucking with you?. I still even have hickys from those nights"
"Ik griffin but do you like Ava?."
"Billy I don't know I think she's pretty but if I'm being honest I would rather be with you" I said smiling at billy
"Griffin if you want us to be a thing your going to have to stop talking to Ava."
I didn't know what to say I liked Ava and billy but I knew I liked billy more.
"It's me or her." Billy said
"I choose you billy I'll always choose you"
Billy looked at me and kissed me
"So we together again" I said
"Ya" billy said

(Short one to sorry)

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