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Henry walks into the room that Void had made for him. The whole room was splashed with a light pink colour palette and soft pink light from the tiny lights decorating the walls. Soft pillows and blankets on the large bed on one side of the room. A few bean bags sat on the other side of the room with a tall bookshelf filled with books all ordered in alphabetical order. Henry sat down on the bed, lowering his glasses to rub his eyes before looking again around his room.

"I made you some new books." Void appears next to Henry with a handful of pink books, they smile as they hand the books to him. Henry looks over at Void and lightly smiles before looking down at the books.

"Thanks." He puts them down on the bed next to him. Void continues smiling and leans their head onto Henry's shoulder. Henry jolts for a second, not expecting the cold touch of Void.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Void apologies lifting their head up.

"Nono it's alright, I just forgot you were that cold is all." Henry responds patting Void on the head and smiles again at Void's cute purring towards his touch. Void smiles and moves closer to Henry as he continues to pat Void.

"Cute..." Henry whispers to himself as Void continues to purr. Henry puts his hand down and Void opens their eyes again in confusion, looking up at Henry. He had turned his attention back to the books, picking one up and inspecting the cover. 

"I thought you'd like these ones, it's all fancy-schmancy science words." Void smiles and mimics Henry for a second while explaining, they giggle a little bit while Henry opens the book to read it. Void leans their head back onto Henry's shoulder and looks at the paper being unable to read so they just enjoy looking at the shapes of the words as their eyes danced across the page.

After a few minutes, Henry closed the book and put it down, seeing that it contained nothing but nonsensical rantings about conspiracy theories rather than the science Void had thought it was. Henry rubbed his eyes again feeling tired and looked at Void. Void raised their head from Henry's shoulder in slight confusion. "Is there something wrong?"

"No...I'm just- I just need some sleep is all." Henry yawns.

"Oh, I'll leave you be for now." Void smiles and disappears into the floor of the room. Henry lies down on the soft bed, despite the fuzzy blankets and pillows it was still cold but Henry had gotten used to the neverending feeling of cold in the void. He put his glasses aside on the small shelf above his head. Henry closed his eyes and his thoughts buzzed and bubbled in his mind slowly fading as he lost consciousness.


A loud alarm blares as Henry looks around standing in a strange building that was decorated with bright stage lights pointed towards the other side of the room. Where the lights were pointing stood two large robotic-looking animals. This confused Henry, he'd never seen anything like this before, he didn't even know where he was. He continued to look around the room when a tall purple figure approached him with some level of excitement. The purple one's slender body made him look deeply malnourished and sickly. Henry tried to ask him who he was but the man began talking over him in his thick new york accent.

"Henry, I missed you! You know you left me behind the last ten times you went over to freddys and I know you wouldn't do that on purpose so I thought I'd remind you this time." He smiles and continues jabbering on, not letting Henry say a word. The purple one seemed to know Henry but the Henry he was talking about appeared to be his friend and had done horrible things. He was perplexed in horror and confusion by this purple person. They had finally stopped to take a breath, finally giving Henry a chance to speak.

"I'm sorry Mr...?" Henry asked.

"Oh come on Henry you know who I am, I'm your right-hand man, your business partner." The purple one seemed to be upset that Henry didn't know who he was.

"I'm sorry I don't think I've ever owned a business." The purple one seemed to get even sadder towards Henry.

"I-is this another test...?" They quietly sob to themselves on their knees. "Mr Miller, c-come on it's me! We run Fredbears together. Y-you're the one who gave me a life...." The purple one clings to Henry's pant legs continuing to sob uncontrollably. Henry tried stepping back but the man clung tightly to his legs. Sudden flashing and blaring of music filled the room causing Henry to cover his eyes and stumble backwards.


Henry wakes up, Void was sitting in the soft fluffy chair next to the bed.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry I think I messed up." Void asks as Henry sits up.

"I'm not sure what that was." Henry looks over at Void.

"I think I pulled the wrong memory from you...." Void responds sadly.

"I don't think it was my memory and that's what's confusing me. It was definitely from someone like me....but not me." Henry puts his glasses back on trying to figure out how to explain what happened.

"Oh! I understand!" Void smiles still sitting in the chair.

"Do you think you could explain it to me?" Henry asks as he gets out of bed. Void nods and stands up.

"It's sort of like that multiverse theory thing I saw in your memories. So I just took memories from you but in a different timeline." Void speaks with confidence and hugs Henry. He smiles at them and pets their head again.

"Interesting." Henry continues to pet them, Void begins purring again. Despite everything this was much better than what he left two years ago when he first woke up here. He hadn't smiled or felt happy like this in a long time.

Authors note: I dunno how far this is gonna go but I'll try my best. Also in case, if anyone is wondering, no this is not canon Henry in this story. This Henry has had a slightly different event in his life but ended up in the void via a plot point that will be explored later. I hope it's readable at the very least.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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