Chapter 2

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                          Averi's POV

I was halfway through the day, so far I wasn't assigned any homework. Which was surprising, but I still had 5th,6th, and 7th period to go. I was so ready to go home and I was thrilled it was Friday.

Everyday I thought people wouldn't be such idiots, and everyday I was wrong.

I was walking to 5th when I saw Ben. He was laughing with his friends by the locker room until he saw me. Once he saw me he busted out in a smirk, and ran over. I rolled my eyes and walked faster. "Woah Ave where are you going?" He teases "I'm going to class, Ben. Go away." "You can't get away from me that easy. I got my schedule changed. Ms. Mills thought I would do better surrounded by kids that could help me." I freeze. Stopping dead in my tracks. I spin around, so fast I almost got dizzy. "You did what!" I screamed louder than I thought was possible.

Half the people in school haven't even heard me speak my name, let alone scream at the most popular boy in school. "Jesus Ave chill. It's no big deal." As I was about to list every reason why it was a big deal the bell rang, making me late for the first time ever. Even though alarms were going off to rush to class I was still stunned, standing in the same spot, looking up at Ben.

"Welp there's the bell we'd better. Don't want to make a bad impression. Right?" Ben said beaming he then looped his arm with mine and dragged me down the hall.
Too busy listing all the reasons why this was an awful idea number one being. The only time Ben ever messes with me was in the hall because that's the only time I saw him. Now I had to spend a whole hour with him, on top of that the only available seat in the class was the one next to me.

I was so caught up with my prayer that the teacher would change the seating chart just for the hell of it, but in the back of my mind I knew it was going to happen. I finally zoned back in when Ben stopped dragging me, and started talking to the teacher.

"Hi Ms. May, my name is Ben and I got my schedule changed. Sorry I'm late. I don't have any classes on this side of the building, so I got lost but I found my friend Averi to help me."

Although I despise Ben with every fiber of my soul he really knew how to talk to people. He could tell anyone what they wanted to hear to save his ass. Sometimes he would even grace others and save them too, apparently I'm apart of that lucky few now.

"Yes I saw you on the attendance list. Nice to meet you Ben. As you know I'm Ms. May, I'm glad you already know Averi because she will be your chemistry buddy for the year." The reaction I gave versus Ben's were polar opposites. He seemed thrilled, like he won the jackpot, but I looked like I was about to jump off a cliff. I was actually debating it. Apparently Ms. May didn't pick up on that, because she turned around and started writing what we'd be doing in class today.

Ben being happier than a black mom getting ebt stamps skips to his stool. While I drag my feet, with my eyes still bugged out my head I walk to my stool and slump down. Thinking about all the time we'll have to spend together if I want to pass this class. Knowing Ms. May hates projects only being done by one person, somehow no matter what she could always tell. My only solution was to try and become friends with my bully.

The person that has hated me since kindergarten. The person that I somehow had a crush on at one point. The most popular boy at SHS, and the most anti-social, quiet, and sleep deprived girl at SHS. Becoming friends. Welp that settles it. I'm failing my first class ever.

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