Chapter 1

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How could something feel so familiar and yet so foreign?

As Hermione sat in her compartment on the Hogwarts Express, her Head Girl badge pinned smartly on her robes, she felt as if she was watching everything outside of her own body. The only thing catching her from drifting too far being Crookshanks on her lap.

Harry and Ron were across from her, attempting normalcy and discussing Quidditch as they shared sweets purchased from the trolley.

Normal. What a joke. What is normal, really?

Hermione knew the boys were glancing at her when they thought she wasn't looking. They were worried about her.

Rightly so.

She also knew they were disappointed in being unable to fast-track their way into the Auror program. Even the Chosen One needed their N.E.W.T.S.

The compartment door suddenly slid open and all three had their hands gripping their wands anxiously.

A wizard she recognized but didn't know well poked his head in. Theodore Nott. Slytherin. Son of a notorious Death Eater still on the run. Second in their year academically.

Her eyes immediately spotted the Head Boy badge pinned on his chest.

Nott tensed, blue eyes shifting between the trio. His hand shuffled through his brown curls, a shade darker than her own.

"Sod off," said Ron curtly, skipping over niceties.

"He's here for me," Hermione said quietly, pocketing her wand and adjusting her hold around Crooks.

"Head Boy," muttered Harry, looking disapproving.

"Astute deduction, five points to Gryffindor," Nott snipped, raising a brow. "McGonagall wants us at the front."

Ron's face started turning red.

"Drop it," she sighed, assuring her beaded bag was still wrapped around her wrist. "I'll see you both at the feast."

Harry grabbed her hand, emerald eyes crinkled in worry. "Let us know if you need anything."

"I'm sure the golden girl can take care of herself," said Nott, visibly annoyed now.

She was sure he was taking offense to them not trusting him around her.

If only he knew.

"Lead the way," she said quietly.

Standing next to him, her head reached only his chin. He didn't move immediately but she saw the way his mouth turned downward.

He eventually shuffled down the aisle and she followed, ignoring how compartments slid open as she passed and curious eyes followed her every step.

Her hold on Crooks tightened slightly and he sneezed assuringly.

Nott held the compartment door at the front of the train open, having her slip through first.

McGonagall hadn't arrived just yet.

She sat on one side, looking out the window to the passing trees, the skies darkening as they neared the Hogwarts station.

"I'm not hiding my father."

Hermione didn't even glance in his direction. "Okay."

Before Nott could comment further, the door slid open to reveal Headmistress McGonagall.

She took a seat next to Hermione, keeping a few feet between them. Nott was observant, eyeing the gap between them curiously.

Curiosity can kill, she mused, lips twitching in dark amusement.

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