The App Store

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As we all know, the app store is an app on all devices used to purchase new apps of any topic, whether it be a socializing app, a video game, or a shopping app. Time and time again, Alan had to warn the boys of the app store, as hackers and scammers were rather common there (and constantly had to stop King and Dark from downloading an infected app.) But he never ever thought he'd willingly purchase a shifty app from there, until one day...

20 near law violations, 16 near car crashes, 11 throw-up spills, 8 long over-water bridges, 5 clubs, 4 1/2 hangovers, 3 maxed out credit cards, 2 boulevard raids, and 1 close-call underaged-child bar sneak-in incident later...

Green kicked open the front door with whatever strength he had left. Alan, with the house keys in his hands, shot him a dirty look. Normally, after a tiring day (or in this case, night), the boys would rush inside and go to their bedrooms to relax. But tonight, each and every person in the group was nothing short of exhausted.

Dark pushed everyone out of the way and almost punched Second in the nose as he walked over to the living room couch, and threw himself onto it. He threw his suit jacket over his head, groaning. "I shouldn't have agreed to that drinking competition-" Before he could finish, he jerked his hand onto his mouth, and hand motioned a signal to Second, asking him to bring the nearest trash can to him. Fast. As a joke, Second put his arms around Red as though he were about to carry him somewhere. Red glared at him. Dark shot his little brother a nasty look from under his suit jacket, which did the trick. Rushing, Second brought back a nearby cardboard box and handed it to Dark. 



Second stepped back in disgust and pinched his nose. His older brother reeked of alcohol already, but this took the cake. 

"OUT OF THE WAY!" King screamed, pushing the boys into the wall as he ran to the kitchen sink and threw up there too.

"Eugh!!" Second exclaimed, backing into his friend group. "I think we'll be going upstairs now-" Yellow said, covering his nose with the sleeve of his shirt. Barely holding on to consciousness, the Colored Gang poorly excused themselves to their rooms. Or rather, Red's room. They chose his as it was the highest floor of their complex, and therefore furthest away from the stench of alcohol and puke, which uncomfortably went very far.

Running up the stairs as fast as they could before they blacked out (as they felt it coming on strong), they finally made it to Red's bedroom, just in the nick of time. Red, Blue, and Purple collapsed onto the bed, groaning and clutching their stomachs and heads. Yellow tripped on the leg of a chair, but managed to pull himself onto the chair itself and sit down, his head burning. Second and Green, couldn't find anywhere to sit down in time. Second collapsed onto the floor, tired and sick, and Green fell face-first on purpose, desperate to rest.. wherever that "rest" may be.

"Ok... I take it back... This was a mistake. We're never going to Sepharia City again." Blue said, panting.

"What, not even for the food?" Red mocked, still catching his breath too.

"Shut up." 

Green, pulling on his tie, was in a fit of emotions. "Your brothers almost got us arrested, Second!" he yelled. As suspected, Second was fast asleep, completely drained from the night. Green groaned loudly and rubbed his eyes fiercely. "What time even is it?" Purple asked groggily. Yellow pulled out his phone and squinted at it, having difficulty seeing after a long sleepless night. He rubbed his glasses. "Ok, who spilled tequila on my glasses?" he asked the group. "The oldest of us here is 15, Yellow. Do you really think it was us?" Red told him. "Well I don't know, Dark did try to sneak us into that bar and stripper club, and Blue was going pretty ham on his 'funny juice', so you be the judge of that, Red." Yellow stated. Purple, Green, and Red glanced at Blue like he had two heads. "What?" Blue asked. "It kept me awake, didn't it?" he said, pulling out a bottle from his inside suit pocket. Yellow groaned.

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