Midnight-ish Feast

169 8 11

3:04 A.M

Yellow woke up slowly, as he felt his stomach growling. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table, but it was blurry. He reached for his square glasses on the bedside table, cleaned them with his blanket, and put them on. He sat up in bed and looked at the clock again. 3:04, it read. Yellow sighed and rubbed his eyes. He smacked his lips, and thought to himself a bit. 

"I'm hungry."

He tossed the sheets off himself, and with no shoes (just socks), walked downstairs as quietly as he could. He stumbled a few times, as it was pretty dark. When he made it to the first floor, he crept carefully by Second's bedroom door, and once he passed it, he found himself in the kitchen. It was never a wise decision to wake up Second if he didn't get his 8 hours. Phew, he thought.

Yellow dug around the nearby drawers for the lighter, and lit up a lime-colored candle on the kitchen island. "Alright, what should I get for myself?" he asked himself. He walked up to the smartfridge and opened it, peering around. Nothing caught his eye. He huffed, blowing his fluffy hair away from his face, and closed the door. Picking up the lit candle, Yellow made his way to the pantry, and inched the candle closer in to help see better. He found a large bag of trailmix tucked away in the corner of the shelf, and shrugged. He reached out for it, closed the closet, and putting the candle back on the island, sat down on a stool around the island and ate away silently. He pulled out his phone, and texted his group chat.

                                                  Colored Gang + Purp 🟣

                                                          Vibing in the kitchen. Anyone up rn?  🟡
                                                                                                       Sent at 3:10 a.m

No response. Just what he expected, really. He shrugged and opened Spotify, playing an 80s playlist. He laughed, as the era of the music reminded him of when he interacted with all those arcade games. It played silently in the room, as he placed his phone facedown on the island. He ate away at his raisins and walnuts and M&Ms quietly, liking the calmness.

But Yellow did also like having his friends around... even if calmness wasn't always what would follow them.

3:14 A.M 

"What are you doing?"

Yellow looked up from his bag of mix, and at the dimly lit doorway. He saw a figure standing there. Yellow fixed his glasses a bit, and squinted. "Who's this, then?" he asked.

The figure walked past the island and reached into a drawer, pulling out the very same lighter Yellow used beforehand. He sat on a stool next to Yellow and lit a baby blue candle on the island, giving off an oceany and breezy smell. They illuminated the figure. And Yellow knew those sky-colored eyes all too well.

"Oh, hey Blue!" 

"Hi, Yel!"

Blue held out his phone, showing the group chat message. "I got your text" he told him. Yellow chuckled a bit. "Is that why you're here?" he asked him. Blue nodded enthusiastically, and yawned after. It's clear the text alert is what woke him up. 

                                                 Colored Gang + Purp 🟣      

                                                        Vibing in the kitchen. Anyone up rn? 🟡
                                                                                                     Sent at 3:10 a.m

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