Chapter 5 - who is this guy

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     Ember's shout rang throughout the arena causing pin drop silence. Everyone just enragingere stunned. Even the order were  no exemption their surprise was for a different reason altogether. No, it wasn't because of the the power behind the attack but rather of the skill to produce such a potent incantation.
     To the normal eye, it seemed as though he simply transformed into lightning bolts, but in reality, he had split his molecular makeup in with the 'sonic dash' ring causing the effect. This level of control was just not possible for a ring of his rank, as one would need the utmost focus as to not loose themselves.... Literally.
     " Arthur keeps surprising us Asake " Akila said with a grin on her face.
     "Even I didn't expect that much from him" he replied
     "Humph, twas merely luck , let's see how he does against his next opponents" Agamemnon stated with a look of unfaltering confidence
     "Well then, the next match is between Blade Merlin and Ujiro Demetry" Ember announced making them regain focus.
     "Are you ready" she asked as they took their stance opposite each other.
     "Yes!! " they chorused
     "then,  begin! "
     The arena stood quite once more, suspense ruling the day, unlike the previous fight none of them dashed forward rather, they held their stance, looking for an opening.
     Then without warning, Ujiro began an incantation
     "Tornado style - 1st ring - cyclone bla... "
     "Inceneratòr" Merlin  simply said, cutting ujiro off as well as producing a large fireball, which went straight for him at insane speeds.
     Frozen, Ujiro couldn't evade and so once again the purple orb, held the fireball in place
     "Winner Merlin Blade" Ember shouted
     " how can this be?" Ujiro complained looking round him for supporters, of which he found quite a few who also shared his view.
     "He won fare and square " Ember stated, preventing an uproar
     "But he did so in an unconventional means, remember what happens when a ring fails to praise the runic gods in their incantation "
     "Yes!, although the rings incantation speed would be greatly increased,  it would also lower its strength, so although it is a faster way of releasing rings, it is not the most ideal " Rick said as though he was quoting right from a scroll.
     "Very well done, but in this case young Merlin did more than that, the only way to evade the drawback of a drezar (praise less) incantation, is to add in runic distortion along side it, this helps to cancel out the negative effects of the drezar incantation, but  this in itself is  a high feat to accomplish, as the mastery needed is at the Order level for a ring Ember surmised in the end praising Merlin
     "He truly is special, who is his charge if I may ask " Sinbad  asked with a sly grin
     "I am , of course, who else can impact that much skill to a mere ring" Agamemnon asked to which they all remained silent to watch the tournament proceedings
     " but how about that other ring,...  Dante was it, I hear he is also somewhat  unstoppable " Sinbad commented in the hope of enraging Agamemnon
     " don't be ridiculous Sinbad, this level of skill is unheard of already so it is impossible for two to appear in this generation " kenjiro stated
     "Rightly said kenjiro" Agamemnon praised
     "Well... What's next, I'm getting bored just sitting here " Rengen said with a yawn towards the end
     "Ok then " up next is Karen Asher vs Rick bane..;are you ready? " Ember asked
     To which they echoed "yes ma'am "
     They took their positions, waiting on Ember to count them in.
     "Go!! "

    💍.  💍.  💍.
     After a few minutes of nonstop barrages, Rick finally won with his Desert tiger summons and its sand stone elemental ability.
     The next match between Eric and Zane took longer than the rest as it seemed they were evenly matched, that is up until Zane used on of his high tier rings 'sonic lull' which seemingly made Eric to freeze up, not showing signs of any movements, allowing Zane to win the match with minimal effort in delivering the final blow.
     " such a shame your son didn't have an impressive showing Agamemnon " Asake smirked as he spoke
     Although he was visibly enraged, he kept his cool, answering "all in due time Asake "
     "The next round of matches will be between Rick bane and Zane " Ember announced, startling them, as they thought they were to follow the seiguls set up
     "Ready? " she asked
     "uh... Yes!!" They responded, still somewhat confused, over the turn of events
     "Go!! "
     Without wasting any time, Rick quickly summoned his Desert tiger
     Then the battle began with Rick's tiger using it's  roar to send out huge clumps of sand and stone, which flew towards Zane at great speeds, but instead of dodging which would have proved futile, Zane opted to using one of his rings, specifically his 'echo wall' to shield himself from the attacks.
     After a few more failed attempts, Rick decided to summon another creature to even the playing field.
     Beast rings could not summon an unlimited amount of creatures, as it required a lot of  mental stability to even control a single summon. Throughout history, the most any ring was able to summon barely reached the twenty -man mark, but for Rick, he could easily control 3 summons, while his max number of summons was only five before it would become too much for him to handle.
     *Oh! King of the gods, heed our pact, with streaks of light ever bright, I call on your soldier to show us your might*
     At the end of his chant,  a white seigul began engraving itself on the ground and after the last rune was marked, it shone brightly and out of its depths a white hawk emerged coated in lightning, eyes as blue as the sky, with a gold pattern on its back and feathers.
     It stood at two metres high, with a wingspan of about three metres wide. This was the legendary thunder bird, a creature thought to be responsible for thunder claps and lightning flashes.
     "Storm, attack!! , use Vlad volley "
     Instantaneously, the hawk flew up in the air and dived down at full speed straight for Zane. Its speed was nothing short of a blur., not giving Zane room to set up any defences.
     On reaching Zane, Storm collided wing first with Zane's body sending large waves of lightning through his body, making him scream at the top of his lungs in pain.
     Storm, rather than stop to muse at her handiwork, continued upwards, and jerking back immediately, shot a thick, straight spear-like  bolt of lightning from her beak .
     Not wanting to be outdone by his colleague, Rue -the fest tiger, also shot large clumps of sand reinforced stones at zane simultaneously with the lightning spear.
     The two attacks travelled towards Rick, who stayed there;paralyzed in place.
     But as always, the purple orb rose once more stopping the two attack from colliding  with him.
     "That's enough, the match is over, Rick Bane is the winner " Ember said,  releasing her orb, and on turn Rick desummoning  his two beasts and their attacks.
     "The next fight, will be a triple threat assault, it will be Arthur vs Merlin vs Dante " she continued, once again changing the set up.
     "Are you ready? " she asked to which they answered as they took their spots
     "Then,  go!!  "..


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