Peverell academy for gifted young witches

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What the school looks like from the outside^

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What the school looks like from the outside^

What the school looks like from the outside^

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The main entrance of the school^

Main hallway, mostly used for ballroom dance lessons or study hall^

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Main hallway, mostly used for ballroom dance lessons or study hall^

Main hallway, mostly used for ballroom dance lessons or study hall^

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Headmaster & headmistress's office^

Headmaster & headmistress's office^

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School coat of arms^

First - seventh year dorm rooms which change according to what the student in visions^

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First - seventh year dorm rooms which change according to what the student in visions^

First - seventh year dorm rooms which change according to what the student in visions^

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Headmaster & headmistress's bedroom^

Headmaster & headmistress's bedroom^

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Music hall/Presentation hall^

Music hall/Presentation hall^

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Drama hall/Theatre^

Drama hall/Theatre^

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