Chapter 5 - The Evil Mother

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Williams's POV

It was past 8 when mom announced a family meeting When I went down I saw her bring a bowl of chocolate chip cookies and that's how I knew this meeting wouldn't end well. It was something we had during the meetings when we were being punished or the talk was about something dire.

Trust me these cookies work magic one of the occasion is last year when Brandon had fractured his leg before his final football match. We had a family meeting where dad had informed Brandon that he will be needed to rest and would be missing the match,
Brandon was crying like a baby and we didn't know how to make him stop because we had seen him practice day and night for this match he had given his best but couldn't play in the finals and it was heartbreaking to see him cry.
That's when Damien and Noah noticed the last cookie in the bowl about which they bickered and fought like children and no one got it because it ended up on the floor. Which made all of us laugh even Brandon. That boy was having a very bad week and that laugh was needed. At the end he ended up playing in the match because luckily the match was postponed due to some technical issues and he had recovered till then. There are many such occasions where we had seen the cookies work their magic. Where they had made us laugh and made our heart light.

Lance was the last one to come down and as soon as he saw the bowl of cookies he had started babbling
" Williams was the one who scratched the car, on Wednesday, Damien had snuck out of the house for a party, Noah got detention for pranking his teacher by making him drink colored water and mom's favorite vase was broken by Brandon while he was playing his video games and he hit it excitedly the one you see now is a cheaper version from the target. I didn't do anything" he sighed as he said all that and slouched on the couch like he had just lifted some heavy boxes.

I slammed my hand on my face noticed they face. He told mom and dad everything without them asking about it once again. What an idiot. Traitor.

"Surrendered." he raised his hand as he said that.

Mom and dad looked dumbfounded.
" Lance, you can tell us about it more, especially about Noah's prank during breakfast. But for now, I wanted to talk about something else. " Dad said and I noticed my parents puffy eyes.
"Oh," lance replied
We were all glaring at Lance by now.
He always does this so his blunders will be hidden and he wouldn't be reprimanded.

"For now, we wanted to talk to you all about Sunshine" dad continued.
"Yesterday your dad got the email from Rosa's social worker there were photos sent of Rosa's previous house and statements from the police investigation and we wanted to show you those." mom said as she kept the laptop in the middle of the table, so all of us could see the email.

It was terrible the photos and the statement both of them were terrible. We always thought Ella was happy we were a little sore that she didn't want to meet us or acknowledge us but we soon got over it. I was pretty surprised yesterday when she didn't recognize me or knew that she had brothers. I even thought she was lying. But it turns out that lady was lying she had always told us that Ella was the one to refuse to meet us because of one or the reason in the end she told us Ella didn't want elder brothers and it took weeks for us to digest that fact. Made me hate my sister while I grew up.

But all of that was a lie because she never told Ella about us. Ella didn't know us that lady lied to us every time and hurted Sunshine.
We nod our heads as yes as we all finished reading.

We all were frightened Lance and Noah looked like they will cry.
" So this morning we took Ella to Jane's clinic. Jane checked her and told us that she saw bruises on Ella's body and confirmed that she was abused she didn't find any underlying cause for Ella's mutism, so she assumed it might be from the physical abuse she has endured. Even Ella confirmed that as true. Jane suggested that Ella should visit a therapist. We talked about it with Ella before meeting you all and she agreed to take the help." Dad told,
" We wanted you all to know this because we alone cannot do anything we all have to make sure that we let Rosa take her time and do not force anything on her she might not quickly trust us and be open so we need to wait till she is ready."
Mom explained.

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