Chapter 1

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Sitting on her throne, legs crossed and playing with her very expensive, custom-made crown, was a young beautiful woman. She was staring off into the distance, thinking about how far she's come and where she started. Though she might not look it, this woman has not had what one might call a normal upbringing, not in the sense the world is used to, at least.

She melancholily reminisced what she likes to call her learning phase, but what her closest friend and aide calls her 'messed the fuck up previous life'. If she were to count her previous life's age and her current age, she'd be ... let's just say ancient; well then again, a woman should never reveal her age, she thinks with a dry chuckle.

As she was thinking about what she was about to do, she was reminded of how she got to where she is. In her 'learning phase', she was born to two creatures that should not be even deemed as humans, let alone parents, who took great pleasure in physically, mentally, and all-around generally abusing her. She was hated before she was even born, not that she asked to be born, that is.

At age 10, she ran away from her house and became a street kid; she couldn't take staying at that house any longer. It came as no surprise that she then found herself in fight rings, where she not only made money to survive but also learned to be a professional street fighter. That did not stop her at age 15 from growing up to be beautiful, which was soon noticed by everyone, causing her to be drugged, kidnapped and put into a human trafficking ring, where she was tortured, raped, and living in a literal hell.

Finally, when she was bought by the local mafia, she understood that after years of being betrayed, tortured and abused that the only person who will save you is yourself, no matter how much you beg for someone to save you. She pretended to be complacent and wanted to help the mafia using her charm and beauty. She convinced them that she was more useful for them as an agent rather than a toy. Though they agreed, she was now also a toy to only the mafia bosses. In return, they gave her access to the internet. That was their worst and first mistake.

She taught herself as many languages as she could, how to play different instruments, all forms of martial arts, and an education worthy of an ivy league school. Her only solace in that hell on earth was a show called Criminal Minds, which she watched so much that she memorized everything and learned to be an unofficial profiler.

She only snapped out of her drowning thoughts when she heard a knock on her door, reminding her of her current and, frankly, more entertaining obligations. She was waiting patiently, not her best virtue, for the perfect moment to make the most dramatic entrance, well, virtually, so to speak. A queen is nothing if she's not dramatic to the core, as she likes to think. 

She straightened up and put her crown and veil on, making sure her ears were covered; she was not stupid after all; it was time, and she could not be more nervous and excited. She turns on her computer connecting it to her many screens with a smirk, and leans back when she successfully hacks into the FBI's most secure networks in the blink of an eye, which was frankly a little disappointing; she thought it'd be more difficult.

Her smile widens when she sees the shocked face of one of her all-time favourite characters, the one and only Penelope Garcia, technical analysis of the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, or as she calls her, PG!

Penelope Garcia was double-checking her information on the team's most recent Unsub when all her screens turned off and showed a shocking image. Sitting there on a chair that looked purposely like a throne, focusing on the upper half, there in front of her sat what could only be described as a queen.

She sat there on her throne wearing a tight ruffled, bodycon wrap black dress. A gorgeous tiara crown that looked to be very expensive with how real the gemstones that littered it looked sat on top of a mane of wild, curly, fiery red hair. Only her beautiful icy blue coloured eyes and dark long lashes, eye makeup professionally and fancily done, showed as the rest of her face was covered with a blood red veil that was connected to her crown with diamond encrusted strings.

Penelope sat there staring in a mix of awe and shock, not knowing how to react.

Sera winks at Penelope and tells her, "Hey there, gorgeous; I think your team has the wrong guy. Mind getting them for me, darling?"

Penelope, in her utter shock, can only do as this stranger on her screen asked.

Sera smiles, her gorgeous eye-makeup crinkling as she does, and says, "thanks, sweetness"

She then appears on one huge screen in front of the gathered team, with Penelope appearing in the corner; on her screens, Sera can see the team on the screen on the right and Penelope on the screen on the left.

Jason Gideon, a vital member of the team, asks, "who is this Garcia? And what are we doing here? We have an unsub to process"

Penelope looks at him through the screen, flustered, answering, "I don't know, sir. I-I don't know what happened. She just appeared on my screens suddenly and asked for you and the team, saying something about you having the wrong guy."

Sera smirks and says, "They do. And I wouldn't make a benevolent Queen if I didn't offer some advice to my people when they are completely and utterly wrong, now would I?"

Hotchner presses the mute button and looks to Garcia ordering, "trace the call"

Before Penelope can answer or even blink, Sera replies to him with a raised eyebrow, "Oh, hotchie, hotchie, hotchie. I hacked into the secure computers at the esteemed FBI, guarded by the great oracle of knowledge, your very own Penelope Garcia. Do you really think I would let you trace me, let alone mute me?" She sighs disappointedly and indignantly.

"Darling, greater men than you have tried", she winks at him. Penelope now has a look of awe, respect and admiration in her eyes and whispers "Badass" under her breath, not thinking she was heard. Sera looks at Penelope, winks, and blows her a kiss. "Always, darling".

Penelope blushes and looks down at her keyboard.

Derek analyzes the screen and asks, "Now, why should we trust someone like you?"

Sera just smirks, internally fangirling at one of her favourite characters talking to her, looks him in the eyes and says, "you shouldn't! But For the purposes of me doing your job for you", she mutters, "as usual" under her breath, "ask the police department you are currently in, it wouldn't be the first time I have given them a gift." She continues as she twirls a pink rose between her fingers. Then she snaps her head up as if she just remembered something, points at Derek with the rose and says, "oh! Right! I almost forgot I have to go now! Well, darling, my empire does not run itself, unfortunately. When you realise you are in way over your heads, give me a call. Your beautiful wonder woman here has my number, so to speak. Ciao~" she bids them goodbye teasingly while wiggling her fingers goodbye, and the screen cuts off, showing only a picture of the queen of spades card with a lipstick kiss mark on it.

They all sat in shocked silence for a few minutes, processing what just happened, before utter chaos ensues.

Sera sits alone for a minute after she hangs up, touching her fingers together and grinning maniacally. Finally, everything has begun, and she laughs.

The Shadow Queen *Criminal Minds FF*Where stories live. Discover now