we find a priest and stay in a church and Vincent dies

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Jasmine POV:
Weeks later we saved a priest and he let's us stay at his church. I was feeding Judith when Rick came over and kissed me as he walks by. A few days later a group went into the nearby town to get food and I stayed at the church.

Maggie POV:
I stayed with Jasmine and a few others that stayed behind. I was helping make sure everyone was safe and Jasmine was putting Judith to sleep. I smiled and I said, "you're a natural at that." Jasmine smiled and says, "thank You I have a lot of experience because I babysat a lot when I was younger and the parents always told me I'd make a great mom someday."

Rick POV:
Soon we came back but Vincent wasn't with us because he was killed saving me and I had to tell Jasmine. I walk in and I said, "Love? We need to talk. It's important." We go to another room and Jasmine says, "What's going on? Where's Vincent?"

Jasmine POV:
Rick sighs as I sat down and he says, "I'm so sorry Jasmine." My heart stops and I said, "Why?" I stood up and he says, "He's gone Jasmine. He saved me and paid with his life." As soon as the words left his mouth I fell to my knees and I yelled, "NOOOI!"

Glenn POV:
I looked down as we heard Jasmine yell and Maggie says, "Why is she yelling?" I look at her and I said, "Rick is telling her that Vincent is dead. He died saving Rick." Maggie gasps and she says, "that's horrible."

Rick POV:
I hugged her and soon she fell asleep. I laid her down and covered her up. I left the room and Glenn ssays,"she okay?" I sighed and I said, "she's devastated right now." A few hours later I went to check on her and she was crying. I went to her and she hugs me tightly.

Jasmine POV:
Days later I was back to my normal self and everyone was worried about me because I don't do anything yet I used to do with Vincent. Daryl left with Carol because he found a clue to where Beth might be and Rick told them to be careful.

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