picnic date [ ❥ ]

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Though the picnic blanket laid out across the grass provides a pretty good barrier between you and the grass, the coldness of the grass still manages to seep up through it and send a shiver down your spine.

"Cold?" A voice asks from beside you, and you roll into your side to see Deacon laid down next to you with a smile, his head propped on his arm as he looks at you.

"A little." You shrug. The sun rises high in the sky just over the crest of the park hill, and you squint as you look at him. Behind you, you can hear the squeals and laughter of the kids as they play in the adjacent park.

While you're still focusing on the sounds of the kids in geh background, Deacon leans in and loops a strong arm around your waist, pulling yoj against his chest and wrapping his arm around your back as you happily lay into him with a smile. "Better?"

"Much." You say with a grin, and Deacon knows that you're not just talking about the cold.

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