Chapter 5

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‼️I try and update every week!‼️

"First things first...we need to get an official uniform on you love"

All you could hear was the padding of the heels on your shoes, and the loud metal stomps of the 7ft tall gator in front of you. He was gently holding your hand as he was walked you down a very long hallway, struggling to keep up with him even if he did have a good grip on you.
You can't lie, you did trip more than once, losing count at some point. You quietly groaned as you tripped once again.

The gator in front of you suddenly stopped. He left you feeling confused, you didn't see a door anywhere that may lead to some new uniforms. The fading light bulb above both of you was flickering on and off, Monty turned around to face you, eyes glowing. He did look sort of spooky under the flickering Light with his unmoving expression— is what any normal person would think. You don't know what was wrong with you, but you felt even more attracted to the gator now, you felt your face heating up slowly.

After a few seconds, Monty lowered his glasses while letting out a deep chuckle.

"Yknow kid, if you keep having trouble keeping up with a big o'l fella like me you could just ask for help, right?"

You flushed even more, of course he realized you were tripping over your own feet the whole time, he wasn't senseless.
"Sorry i Just— didn't want to bother you is all."
You say with a slightly embarrassed expression, looking back up at him.

After a few seconds he chuckled once again, snickering at your eagerness to please him. Maybe this would really work out, smirking at his own thoughts, he looked back to you.

You felt a single cold metal claw left your chin up to meet his red eyes. The train of thoughts in your brain coming to a halt as he suddenly swept you off your feet, holding you in a bridal style position. This is definitely not what you expected.

He barked out a laugh as he saw your reaction, holding onto his neck because of the suddens of the situation.

"Now this is how you give a tour..."

You questioned what he meant by that, but before you could ponder any longer on it he started striding forward with eagerness. Who knew I would wake up in the morning and just a few hours later be lead to this?
You hesitantly looked up at the gator, seeing a smirk settled on his face. But you also noticed something else... weren't his eyes supposed to be red? This time they were pink, is this some sort of glitch?
Your thoughts came to a halt as he started chuckling deeply.

"If j knew you liked staring so much at me... I would've taken a few pictures for you."

He purred, tone low into your ear. You could feel the heat radiating off of his metal body as he held you close.
You turned your head away to avoid eye contact with the robotic gator in front of you, not being able to look at him after his statement. His mouth melted into a smirk as he saw you do this.

"Getting flustered, are we?"

That seemed to do it for you. You raised your hands up to your face to cover your expression.

"Why do you act like this..."

He chuckled at your statement, finding the whole situation amusing. He's glad his methods are working... this might actually be easier than he thought.

After a few more minutes of metal stomping down what seemed to be an infinite hallway, he came to a halt at a purple door covered in half-peeled star stickers, showing the age of the establishment. he let you down lightly, one hand on your back and another caressing a lower part of your thigh. as your feet hit the ground, he started staring at a piece of metal that was planted on the wall next to the door. You were confused as to what he was doing, until you realized it was scanning his eye for entry.
'High tech..."
You whispered to yourself. The door opened with a click, he stepped inside the room pressing a hand to your lower back, motioning you to follow him inside.

Once you make it in, he turns around...just standing there? This went of for what seemed like minutes, just looking you up and down, eyes glowing in the process of the dimly lit room.

"I think I know exactly what size you need.."

He purred, grinning the the process.
Oh boy, your in for a ride.

A few minutes of digging through boxes later... he pulls out uniform that has the labeling 'Monty's little helper' on the back side, his logo on the front. He also pulls out a skirt that's decorated to match his pants, and to top it all off...yellow star sunglasses.

There was only a tiny problem.

This Uniform had to be the smallest thing you'd ever seen.

Your eyes widened a bit, looking at him again.

"I don't think..this is the right size..heh.."

You breathe out. He gives you a questioning look, while sliding his glasses down to look at you better.

"Are you questioning my instructions sweetheart?"

He says to you, in a sort of growled voice.

"No no! Just making an observation..."

You stutter out... you stand there for a few seconds in silent with him as he's still holding the uniform out to you. Sighing in defeat, you take the uniform in your hands.
"Fine...i guess I'll just...hope it fits.."
Monty looked at you, finally putting on his signature toothy grin that you see all over the billboards and posters.

"That's a good girl for me..."

Just what have you gotten yourself into?

'No turning back now I guess...'

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long, about a year and a half to be exact...
Expect me to update much more here on out!

Ps. Thank you so much for all the love!!! I still get comments till this day about how they want me to continue the story... so here I am!

Word count: 1060

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑦, 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒♥︎  !yandre! Montgomery x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now