Author's note

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Hello, and thank you for choosing to take a peek at The Key to the Warriors. I hope it lives up to your expectations. This story was written when I was only 11, and though I have rewritten it and its two sequels since hitting 30, it remains to be my pride and joy, and-- daresay, my favorite stories. 

As suggested by friends and family who have already read this trilogy, I am providing a few notes and pronunciations to help the reading go a little more smoothly.

For starters, there are a few trigger warnings. The early chapters of this story deal with situations such as depression, self-harm, and suicide thoughts/attempts. Reader discretion is advised. 

Second, beginning in chapter 12, the chapters are broken into more than one character perspective. Though the change between them is indicated, it can be easy to miss. However, this was done as opposed to dedicating a single character to each chapter in order to cut back on length, as the book is already over 700 pages. Please let me know if the transitions are not clear enough and I will make adjustments.

Pronunciations: (in layman's terms for easier understanding)

Zirlic (Zer-lick)

Zyirah (Z-eye-ruh)

Arion (Are-ee-on)

Immi (ee-my)

If there are any more words/names/places that are difficult to pronounce, please let me know and I'll add them this list. 

Thanks for reading, God bless, and have an amazing day! :) 

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