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Chapter 271: Bad Relationship

Lin Yun held the purchase contract that Pei Man had handed to her and stood rooted to the ground, not knowing what to say.

Was Lin Yu blind or stupid? Why did she think that Lin Ting and his wife were poor? Lin Yun was really puzzled.

Pei Man finally gave Lin Yun a gift that she was satisfied with. She immediately followed her husband home happily.

As Lin Yun still had something to deal with, she bade farewell to Lin Ting and his wife and went straight to school.

Not far from the school gate, Lin Yun received a call from Lin Qian.

Lin Qian had left in a hurry earlier, and Lin Yun had something to ask him in detail.

Lin Qian and Lin Yun agreed on a place to meet. He also instructed Lin Yun that he would send a car to pick her up and told her not to run around on her own.

For a moment, Lin Yun felt that after she acknowledged her biological parents, she had been treated as a child by this family.This feeling was really not good or bad. In short, she could not adapt to it for a while.

Lin Yun stood at the school gate and waited for less than ten minutes before Lin Qian's car arrived.

Lin Yun didn't know the driver, but as soon as the car stopped, Hao Ping stuck his head out from window near the passenger seat. "Xiao Yun, here!"

Just as Hao Ping finished shouting, Lin Yun heard him cry out in pain, as if he had been hit by something.

Lin Yun hurriedly walked over.

She had met Hao Ping before. Although she wasn't familiar with him, she knew that he was Lin Qian's assistant.

Lin Yun walked to the car and was about to ask Hao Ping what had happened.

Hao Ping winked at her.

Lin Yun followed Hao Ping's gaze and saw Lin Qian sitting in the back seat, looking at her quietly.

Lin Yun was a little surprised and hurriedly opened the door and got into the car.

As soon as she got into the car, Lin Yun asked, "Why did you come here yourself? Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the paparazzi?"

Lin Qian waved his hand and said, "I'm worried about that kid."

"I usually wear a mask. I changed cars today. No one should notice."

Lin Yun frowned as she looked at Lin Qian, as if thinking about whether his words were reliable.

However, no matter what, he was already here. What was done was done. He could only leave this place as soon as possible.

After all, Lin Qian was a popular heavenly king-level singer in the country and had fans at Li'an University.

If someone really discovered his true identity, trouble would definitely come one after another in the future!

... .

Along the way, Lin Yun and Lin Qian did not speak. The two of them seemed to have their own thoughts.

The car drove to a courtyard in the suburbs and stopped. The walls surrounding the courtyard were two meters tall, and the people standing outside could not see what was happening inside.

Lin Yun followed Lin Qian out of the car and walked toward the lone two-story white building in the courtyard.

"Sit anywhere you want. I'll get the kitchen to cook whatever you want to eat." As Lin Qian spoke, he sat down at the bar and picked up a bottle of red wine to open.

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