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Practically no one is caught up but it's November 16th so it must be done.

George ran blindly into the night. He killed Tommy. Dream saw. He killed Tommy. Tommy is dead. Dream knows what he tried to do. Tommy is dead. It's his fault. He's going to die out here.

He runs and runs till his legs give out and he falls into a small stream. How could he do that? He had only been trying to stop Dream from hurting people. 

"If you kill a killer, the amount of murderers in the world doesn't change." XD Appears before him.

"Where'd you get that one, a facebook shower thoughts page?" George snaps, trying to regulate his breathing. XD just floats around him in a circle. 

"You failed. I gave you a simple task." XDs voice seems to echo throughout the woods. George turns and stares him down.

"No, this isn't my fault. It's yours. Everyone thought it was Dream pulling the strings here but it's you! Its always been you!" He came to the conclusion long before it set it. How many people died because God was bored? How many wars were fought, friendships severed, ties cut? How many had fallen to this monster's will, left to die for his pleasure? Afterall, where do you think the zombies and skeletons come from?

"You. You made the quests and hid the discs. You caused the disc war. You're the one who gave Dream this world. You set conditions. Every problem can be traced back to you!" He's angry now. Beyond anger, really. He's seen XD in his dreams a thousand times. How did he not realize how very clearly evil this guy is? He's the type to threaten to eat your soul as a prank and kill for fun. He's dangerous and unpredictable. 

"Stop." Echoes the voice. Suddenly George's voice won't work, his tongue is stuck as if it were glued to the bottom of his mouth. He glares at XD and shakes his head. 

"You seem tired. " comments XD offhandedly and George's eyes roll back in his head as he falls into a comatose like sleep and collapses then and there. XD leaves to look for something else to do, with George laying there in the darkness, alone.

As the sun came up Dream arrived. He'd been tracking George and when he saw his friend asleep, all was forgiven. Because suddenly everything made sense. XD was the only one who could do that to George other than Dream himself.

It was meant to be a means of protection, a safety measure when all else fails. But if XD did this, only XD could undo it. Clearly, his best friend was being manipulated. No matter how upset, George would never kill him. Right?  Dream gently lifts George. Where to take him....

The case in the woods would not work. Everyone knows where that is. Back to the house? Not that either. He wouldn't want that. He definitely couldn't be trusted in anyone else's home or custody. There's no right choice here.

After contemplating it all, Dream decides to make a small house of cobblestone and spruce and lays a simple bed down in it. He lays George there and hopes that he'll be safe. There's nothing else he can do. Well, there is one thing 

XD loves drama, death, murder, killing. He's very predictable in this sense. Perhaps dream could strike another deal with the devil. Or God, or XD. One being, many names, one agenda. 

Goal in mind, Dream sets out to find a way to wake George. 

B u t e l s e w h e r e

Elsewhere, Phantommy is being introduced to some of the last of the people he wants to see. Phil and Techno, away to the north. Everyone seems to really Love Phantommy. He's annoying but in a far less annoying way. He gets views. He's sweet, almost. And to Bad's pure delight, he hates profanity unless someone ever so slightly insults Tubbo. That is when he will cuss you out. But only then.

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