Deal against the darkness

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"So, I what is the deal then?" I started.
"you will get the crystal if you help me become immune to the darkness." I blink to that and asked. "And what do I get out of that?" nightmare Steve blinked and answered confused "the crystal? Do you not want it?". "No, why would I need that crystal? I can always ask my brother to borrow me some of his corrupted crystals, black stones or black crying diamonds... Right after I find him." The last part I whispered but it was still heard. The Steves all around started to whisper. 'have a feeling that this will start a rumer'

"What are you doing?!?!" The orange steve that brought me here yelled. "He's clearly doing for his own benefit, if you want an excuse." I said before adding "and I don't really need the crystal unlike you. And like I said before, it is hard for me to get corrupted unless a friend of mine gets corrupted. NOW I WILL TAKE MY LEAVE!" I said in my best sassy voice.

When I was at the gates, I heard nightmare steve shout to the guards to escort 'the orange one' out,so I waited for him. When he got to me I asked him to teleport us back to the hub and that I would like to build a house near it. he then visibuly brightened (he looked happier). He then teleported us back to the hub and then I said that I will be outside of the hub looking for a good place to build my house. The steve wanted to come along with his pig but I told him that I want the house to be a suprise and so I went on a persuit of a good clearing to build my house in.


Hours later I walked back into the hub through a tunnel I dug through the mountain, I was on a brake from building my house. I found orange steve lounging about when a portal opened and nightmare steve walked through. "Is that supposed to happen?" I asked faking panic. " You're back? When?""Just now." I replied. " No that's not supposed to happen!!" Orange steve paniced seeing nightmare steve walking twords us. We aproached himwhen he said something unexpected." Have you changed your mind?" he asked.  I was confused and I voiced it. "On what?" I asked. "The deal"nightmare steve deadpaned. "Oh? That? I haven't thought about that since you proposed it couse first, I don't get anything out of it, and secound you might become a problem for me in the future." I answered the unasked question. "oh? Then I am kidnaping you" He then started to come twords me. I would have moved but I was too cireous for my own good. Orange steve started to run twords metrying to stop nightmare steve, but nightmare steve stopped him from moving using his powers.

"Sabre!!! Move!!!" he shouted for me to run away but I give him a blank stare and tuned him out.

"You are eather really stupid or really brave , and I would say the former since you have no power here." Nightmare steve said. " You really think I have no power?" I asked with my tone making it clear that I don't want an answer. " But I DO HAVE POWER BUT i DON'T WANT TO USE THEM. I want to find my brother the new and powerless way but I also want to have some fun." I talked on about how most of the steves are naive and stupid.

Ones I finished my rant I looked around and found noghtmare dumbfounded and orange steve look like he was on the verge of tears. My mind went through the things on how to calm him down and came to only one concludion, I needed to act like I have a split personality, so I started to act.

I run over to him acting like I was trying to explain that I have 2 personalitis that are at odds. It was then that I looked over to nightmare steve with a looked that screamed that if he was going to kidnap me, to do it now. That look snapped him out of his trans. He cleared his troath and said that he was taking me and when he was finished with me that orange steve could have me back, then he teleported us away.

After that sighniture blinding light, when my eyes ajusted, I saw that I was in a machine of some kind with nightmare steve looking at me when he started to speak.

"Could you answer a few questions before we begin?" he asked and I nobbed.

"What was that? One moment you seamed like you were supporting the darkness and the next you were acting like you had a split personality while trying to explain to that orange steve what happened before looking to me like you wanted to take you away? I don't believe it." he explained the question.

" Oh that? Well when I seamed like I was supporting the darkness, that was what I actually thought but I didn't want to make a friend cry." I started answering his questions.

"Why did you say that I reminded you of your brother?"

"The easiest way of explaining it is to show it to you." I said and snapped my fingers, a green 2D panel appeared out of nowhere. The panel started showing images that fast turned into a video, these are my memories...


It was a sunny day on the island in the sky where the 2 child gods and one of their creations lived. That creation was origin steve, who was created to create the world and be a sort of a gardian for the 2 gods.

                                                                                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED


This chapter was written while I was in school.

I will post the next chapter when I have 10 views or 3 votes on this chapter.

Q* Should I after every chapter write a poem to summerise what happened in the chapter?

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