Chapter 5

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The alchemy students filed out of the classroom one by one after breaking down their lab equipment. Alexandra had done her best to keep her mind focused on teaching today's lesson on magical metal properties. She suspected that some of her students who also had DADA that same day had caught on to her feelings for Remus, which made her skin hot to think about.

She didn't know how to face him with all of the knowledge she learned from Hagrid earlier that afternoon. Alexandra had only met a few were- and wifwolves in her time abroad in Germany. She knew English society was not any kinder than the Germans. There was no reprieve for them in either the wizarding world or amongst muggles. She couldn't imagine the life Remus must have had before coming to Hogwarts. Wizarding society viewed werewolves as diseased degenerates, who despite being infected by no accord of their own, were seen as to blame for their fate. They were perceived as a danger to children and destruction to many families. Despite all of this, whether it be true or not, Alexandra's feelings for Remus hadn't changed. If nothing else, she was sure of that.

A faint knock came at her office door followed by a high-pitched whisper.

"Professor Lupin?" Alexandra looked up and saw a girl, about 13 with long curly hair, and carrying a large stack of books.

"I'm sorry," Alexandra responded. "He's not in at the moment. I can take your name and leave a note if you like?"

"Oh of course!" The girl set down her books on the desk and held out her small hand. "I'm Hermione Granger, 3rd-year Griffyndor."

Alexandra smiled at her gumption. "I'm Professor Priestly, and I teach 6th and 7th-year alchemy. It's a pleasure, Ms. Granger. What can I help you with?"

Hermione pulled a large leather-bound book from the bottom of the stack but before she spoke, she gave Alexandra an inquisitive look. "Wait. Are you the Ms. Priestly who wrote about the effects of using elemental magic on certain varieties of mugwort and mandrake?" Alexandra was so dazzled that Hermione even knew about her research into magical plants, let alone read one of her research papers from nearly 7 years ago.

"Oh my goodness!" She laughed "I can't believe you read that, that was not my best work believe me."

"Hagrid told me you were a student of his when you were at Hogwarts. You might be able to help me as well."

"I'm sorry, I don't quite have Professor Lupin's skill in defense. Unless you're looking for some specific understory plant or strange magical bird-"

"Actually, I am!" Hermione interrupted. Alexandra was further impressed and bewildered by this young girl that stood in her office with all the knowledge of every encyclopedia in the room. "We've been studying magical birds in Hagrid's class and sadly I missed the day when Hagrid brought the Augurey. I never miss days but I thought...if I could find one myself..."

Alexandra's eyes lit up with excitement. Finally, someone who had an interest in magical fowl. Her specialty in Germany was magical plants and herbology but beasts were always her true passion and it was hard to find anyone who wasn't so afraid of them.

"I'd love to help but do you know when it's best to look for an Augurey?" She asked, fully expecting a detailed answer.

"Oh yes! I've heard some of the others say there's a nest not too far from the whomping willow, and the forecast is calling for rain tonight but..." Hermione trailed off and gave Alexandra a desperate look before asking "Professor, I understand that students aren't allowed in the forbidden forest, especially after dark but I'm more than confident in"

"Ms. Granger I do understand how important your education is and I would be more than happy to accompany you during the daytime but it really is too dangerous to allow students to go alone, especially not at night."

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