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"I get it now," Jungkook spoke after a long silence as he stared into the vibrant sky. The sky seemed like a theatre screen with the movie in play being the setting sun.

"Hm? What's that?" Taehyung asked.

"My parents have been asking me this alot, why do i sleep around so much. I get it now. I got the answer to it," Jungkook said misty eyed. He turned to glance at the person beside him before averting his gaze to the movie again. Taehyung didn't say anything. He couldn't. He wasn't much different from the former. His eyes wandered over the mesmerising face of the boy beside him. He brought his eyes back to the front again, anticipating the other's answer.

"Yesterday, when we had that talk. All these days we've been dancing together. You've made me feel so loved, Taehyung," Jungkook said monotonously. He had finally agreed to acknowledge the turmoil in his mind and heart. Taehyung smiled, hearing the younger's words.

"Everything has felt so intimate with you. Be it the talking, the dancing, the teasing, the advices and life lessons. I feel different, Taehyung. Any other day, I would have been aching to throw myself at an attractive guy, talk back to my elders or simply not care. But i care now, Taehyung. I care about you," Jungkook finished speaking. He turned to look towards the person who had had an entirely different effect on him. He took a step towards the face looking at him ever so fondly.

Taehyung brought his hand and gently wiped the subtle tears on their way down Jungkook's cheeks. Jungkook closed his eyes and sniffled. He stood up on his toes and placed a loving kiss on Taehyung's cheek.

"You make me a better person, Taehyung," Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ear. He dropped his ankles and turned to walk away. As he took his steps, he was grabbed by a hand and pulled backward, his back collided with a firm chest. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's torso.

"You make me, me," Taehyung spoke gently as his lips smiled on Jungkook's neck. Jungkook let out a chuckle. He turned around in the embrace and pushed Taehyung's short hair away from his forehead. His usually naughty eyes were full of emotion, realisation and one thing he had never thought about, hope.

"You look so pretty," Taehyung murmured, almost as if he had made an observation. His eyes didn't leave the other's. Jungkook smiled wide, while his eyes still held a few tears. Taehyung wrapped his arms around the younger's waist and pulled him up, making Jungkook stand on his toes again. Jungkook placed his hands on the boy's nape and giggled at the gesture.

"Can i kiss you?" Taehyung asked, his eyes glancing at the soft pink lips of the other. His lip ring tempting him more than ever.

"No," Jungkook spoke out, shaking his head. A hint of naughtiness was back again, prancing proudly in his eyes and tone.

Taehyung's face contorted into a confused one. Had Jungkook meant something else about all this? Wasn't this something both of them wanted? Were they on different pages? But Taehyung wanted this so much. His eyes widened in worry, and he loosened his grip on Jungkook's waist a bit, afraid that he had crossed a line.

Jungkook giggled at the state of the older. His laughter caused his head to fall on Taehyung's shoulder as he continued.

"Huh?' was all Taehyung could get out looking at the boy, perplexed by the situation. Jungkook calmed himself and proceeded to look into the eyes of his lover with a slight shimmer.

"You 'may', Taehyung," Jungkook stressed on the word as he broke out in a smile. Taehyung's face visibly relaxed in relief.

"Right! The manners! Fuck it," Taehyung huffed and leaned in to place his lips on the others without further ado. He first kissed the mole below the younger's bottom lip, devouring his temptation for so long. His lips started their torture on Jungkook's bottom lip lovingly. Somewhere in between he took the younger's lip ring between his lips and teeth, a metallic taste looming on his tongue.

The time which had seemed funny to Jungkook had raised Taehyung's heartbeat to an extreme level. He was scared of losing the love of his life, again. When he realised that Jungkook had been kidding, it almost felt as if his heart was no longer working. The muscles in his body had calmed down and his brain had taken a break from overthinking.

Their lips fit together perfectly. Taehyung was sure to kiss Jungkook the next time he needed to intoxicate. Their minds were fuzzy, their hearts warm and their bodies giddy. Their hands roamed around each other's bodies gently. The kiss held so much meaning and love. It wasn't about to get lost in their feelings of lust anytime soon.

Madam Yunha stood at the entrance of the balcony, witnessing the sweet sweet moment. Her face held a proud smile while her eyes, happy tears. She knew for sure that both the boys had found their reason to attend her class. As selfish as it might sound, she was proud of the fact that the two troublesome boys had, after all learned something from her 'boring, useless class.'

"A part of correct mannerisms is also to not show too much affection in public, boys. Get a room."

The boys broke their kiss, their foreheads together. They laughed upon hearing the comment and looked at the lady joyfully.

"Thank you," Both of them mouthed, leading her to break into a genuine smile. One that didn't feel creepy. As soon as the words were mouthed, their lips were together again.

Yunha's face fell.

"Oh, for God's sake. You both haven't changed a bit," she said, annoyed, and walked back into the ballroom.

"Brats. Never listen to what I say."


There you go! This is the last chapterr! 

Reviews are always welcome!!! 

Do tell me if you want a bonus chapter! I'll work on it!!

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