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" I am tired of it Jimin! Mom and Dad are always behind me. That class is so fucking boring! I don't even know what I did wrong!" Jungkook blabbered on the phone to his best friend while pacing around in a room that was once simple but had been converted into a gothic one.

" Maybe, the part where you fuck around kooks," Jimin deadpanned.

Jungkook let out a huff and fell in bed on his back, " And i thought you were different."

" Hey man, quit being an ass okay? How long is the class anyway?" Jimin spoke through the phone which was now on speaker.

" A week more," Jungkook replied monotonously.

"See? 7 days kooks. Is that right? A week has sev- yeah bro. Anyway, who knows you might actually learn something from it," Jimin tried to reassure his friend.

" What's wrong with fucking around Jimin? I mean, it feels so good, you know? When i am under a man in his bed, being kissed all over and then he ta-"

"Fuck off man. I am not here to listen to your sex life," Jimin said disgusted.

Jungkook chuckled but grew serious, " Madam Yunha says that there is going to be someone new tomorrow. I wonder which immature nerd's gonna join in to please his dear mommy and daddy," He said, impersonating a toddler.

" You'll see that tomorrow, kooks. I gotta go now. Gotta find some chicks for the night. You know what? Maybe men will do too."

"Lucky ass," Jungkook snorted.

"Uh-Uh babe! That's not gonna be my ass," Jimin sassed as he disconnected. 


" We'll be learning how to use the silverware properly today. As you can see here, we have twenty five different types of spoons. I expect all of you to lis-"

The host was interrupted by the door to the class opening abruptly. All eyes turned towards the entree and voices erupted.

" He is so damn hot."

" Oh my god, look at him."

" Ugh, another spoiled kid."

The chatter consisted of mesmerised and annoyed kids, boys and girls.

Madam Yunha cleared her throat as she walked towards the door, a stern look fixed on her face. The new boy didn't pay much attention to all the chaos he had caused and walked into the room casually.

" Excuse me. You are late. And new." She spoke out loud and clear, stopping the boy in his tracks. The boy turned around, a poker face on. He walked towards the lady and stood right in front of her, his hands in his pocket. He scoffed, " And?"

Madam Yunha's eyes widened at the answer.

" Please introduce and behave yourself."

The boy smirked at the lady and walked to a table, pretending as if he didn't care about his surroundings.

" Kim Taehyung. Introduce. Now." Madam Yunha spoke, it seemed as if her face had turned red in anger while smoke flew out of her nose and ears. Taehyung stopped and turned around again, a smirk decorating his face.

" You just did it yourself, mom" Taehyung spoke out, his eyes held a naughty glimmer as he sat man spreaded on one of the tables, pride surging through his veins.

Madam Yunha composed herself and brought a fake smile on her lips with quite difficulty.

" Boys and girls, this is Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. He will be with us starting today," The lady spoke ever so calmly, her eyes closed. The room's silence was disturbed yet again upon hearing the information.

The Etiquette Class [taekook]Where stories live. Discover now