After All This Time

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(One Month Later-June)
I look at myself in the long mirror in me and Louis' shared bedroom at our home. I'm in a long white gown, red roses in hand. All of the bridesmaids are here getting ready.
"Em?" Madeline says as she steps into the room. She's wearing the dress I picked out for the bridesmaids to wear. It's turquoise, my favorite color.
"Are you ready for the rest of your life?" She asks.
"Yes." I say with tears forming in my eyes. I've waited for this day forever.
"Well then, let's get you in the car and head to Love's Peak. Everyone is waiting!"
I walk downstairs and see all the girls, also known as my bridesmaids. I had chose Madeline as the Maid of Honor. Kay, Perrie, Ashley, Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, and Daisy are my bridesmaids. Doris is my flower girl, Ernest is the ring bearer. As for the guys, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and all four guys of 5SOS are all groomsmen. Niall is the best man.
My parents and Louis' mom and step dad are here as well.
"Let's get going!" My mother says as she holds Oakleigh.
We all pile into different cars that are parked out front.
We drive for what feels like forever until we get to Love's Peak.
All of the bridesmaids get out and the wedding begins.
As they walk down the aisle when it's their turn, my dad helps me with my vail.
"You'll always be my little girl Emmaline, no matter what."
"Thanks dad." I say as we begin to walk down the aisle. I glance up and see Louis. His smirk turns into a huge smile.
Once I reach the alter, Louis shakes my father's hand and takes my hand.
The preacher begins at once.
After listening to what he has to say, me and Louis preparing to exchange vows.
"You first Emmaline." The preacher says.
"Louis William Tomlinson, I never thought I would find someone who would love me this much. I know I'm not easy to deal with, and when you could've walked away, you stayed. I'll forever love you. Nothing will change how I feel about you. Nothing at all." I place Louis' wedding band on his ring finger and smile at him.
"Emmaline Marie Houston, until you came into my life, I thought I would never find love again. We're both sassy, have a love of Vans, and we hate house work of any kind. You're always here supporting me, even when I can't support myself. No to mention, we have the most amazingly beautiful daughter together. And I pray that we will have many more. I love you Emmaline. Thank you for making a difference in my crazy life." Louis puts on my wedding band, and smiles at me.
"By the power invested in me and the state of New York, I pronounce you two as husband and wife! Louis, you may kiss your bride."
Louis dips me and kisses me passionately for all to see.
"Everyone, I would love to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson!"
Me and Louis smile and wave as we head to the reception area and everyone follows suit.
We walk hand in hand, and the whole time, all I think about is my new life ahead, and the past.
Yes, I was broken when I met Louis, but now, I'm complete again. Louis is the place that I can call home. So, to all the people who have had a broken heart and wonder "where do broken hearts go?" the answer is simple.
Broken hearts go home to be fixed again. And that's exactly what happened to mine.

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