Chapter 16

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I sighed. Reading a romance novel on a rainy Sunday morning with no one else in the house was probably the most boring thing ever. Jerome had spent loads on them, and never even read them. I had just had some coffee, and started to get the ice cream out, but a ring at the doorbell stopped me. I was in basketball shorts, and a Blink 182 tee that Ty had laying around. Trudging over to the door, I tightened my grip on my coffee mug. I opened the door.

"Holy shit, Quentin! Alex!" I almost died of joy when two great friends were smiling on my doorstep. I ushered them inside as quickly as possible and had them sit down. I knew Alex was supposed to be here in a week or so, but damn, Quentin? Speaking of which, didn't they break up because Alex told him to fuck off?

They were only half soaked, but Quentin had slightly more rain water on him. "How have you been?" Alex asked sweetly. I blushed at once.

"Things happened. Good, and bad. One is actually spectacular." I smiled.

Alex wiggled her eyebrows and she hopped over from her seat to sit next to me. "The good, yet bad thing is, me and Dawn are no longer." I nodded. Alex frowned slightly.

"How is that good, whatsoever?" She asked.

"I'm getting there." I smiled. "So basically, I got extremely depressed after that, and the only person who was really there for me, was Ty."

Alex 'awwed' and I was fanboying like no other. "Then, we kind of started dating.." I was cut off by Alex.

"OH MY GOD ADAM THAT IS SO CUTE! CAN I HOST THE WEDDING?!" She asked, her eyes were locked in a gaze with mine.

"Haha, of course." I smiled. "You can ask Ty, or Merome, the rest." I smirked.

She gasped. "Is Merome a thing now?" She whispered in my ear. I nodded, she squealed like a three year old.


that's the end of this chapter! sorry its short but I love you guys! thanks for readinggg!

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