Our new beginning.

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Hanbin p.o.v
Omg it's today, the day I'm confessing my true feelings to Dohee. I'm so nervous, my hands and body was shaking while I walked to the bridge where we first met. I was so excited last night that I went to the bridge and practiced what I was going to say to her. as I walked closer I saw her sitting on the edge and waiting for me with a suitcase next to her. I was confused what the suitcase was for. I sat down next to her and asked
"Hey, what's the suitcase for?"
She was crying with tears and replied
"Hanbin....*cries* I'm sorry for not telling you...."
I felt tears filling up my eye jut seeing her cry "Dohee what's wrong I'm here next to you just tell me what's wrong"
She was silent for a moment and said "I'm going back to study...my vacation time is over"
I hugged her so tight trying to hold back my tears but I can't hide it, my eyes are filled with tears, reminding me of the past I can't replace. She hugged me back leaning her head on my shoulders crying a river. I told her
"It's okay..study hard..and you never know we might meet again in another time or day.. our friendship will never end"
she replied "I'll always keep our friendship in my heart..."
Her friend yelled her name from far away saying they have to leave.
I cried breaking down into tears knowing that I'll never get her to be mine. but something says its still too early to give up. She let go of me and waved her last goodbye smiling like its not going to end like this. I can see her, the girl that made me love again... But now she's fading away.... I didn't want to make her in more pain or burden so I kept my feelings inside and didn't tell her. I don't even know if she likes me, she only likes me as a friend. I wanted to tell her my feelings so badly. I was still there looking at her leave, I kneeled down on my knees and let all of my tears flow. I looked up and I saw her running towards me, then she hugged me. I locked my hands around her and told her to close her eyes, in that moment I kissed her. I couldn't help but confess my true feelings to her... I couldn't hide it anymore.

Dohee p.o.v
I woke up early in the morning and went to the bridge 3 hours early with my suitcase. I felt tears running down my face with his face tattooed in my heart. Then I saw a guy coming closer and Closer to me, i realized it was hanbin, he reminded me of the first time we met. i wanted to tell him my feelings before i left but seeing each other again after this depends on fate.
Plus he doesn't even like me, he only likes me as a friend. He sat down and asked me questions. I told him I was leaving and in that moment he pulled me close to his heart hugging me so tightly. I felt like heaven in this last moment with him. I heard my nana call my name, I have to leave, I let go of him but I didn't want to. I waved my last goodbye with a smile even though I'm dying inside. I left and looked back from far away but he was still there looking at me and kneeling down on his knees with his head facing down.
I ran to him and wrapped my hands around him, wiping his tears. He wrapped his hands around me and told me to close my eyes, I closed them and I felt something so soft on my lips I opened them and saw his face touching mine with his lips on top of mine. My eyes opened even wider, surprised at what's happening. he let go of my lips after like 5 minutes and said
"Why did you make me a fool?
why did you make yourself a completely stranger to someone I can't live without? How many times do I have to hide my feelings? The day I met you, my life changed. The way you make me feel is hard to explain. You make me smile in a special kind of way. You make me fall deeper in love everyday. I can't say you like me even if you don't but my love for you is like breathing, I can't hide it. Because of you after I met you everything changed. I started to believe for the first time that a person like me can fall in love. Because of you, the reason I live. I only loved you, I will only love you. Because of you, now i can say I love you. The reason I love, because of you. When I love, I discovered pain. It was there, the moment I realized you were my everything. Please don't leave me..
Saranghae = I love you".
i looked at him and kissed him on his lips whispering "I love you more"

Narrator p.o.v
Dohee and hanbin walked down the bridge holding each other so tightly.
And on her birthday, hanbin proposed to her with the biggest surprise she has ever gotten her whole life, it was her parents.

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