Dog Hand

765 13 1

[The Chapter begins with Raven appearing from the darkness of her bedroom, and enters the hallway. Killing some flowers as she passes them. In the living room, Raven uses her dark magic to defenestrate Silkie who was previously heading her way.]

Starfire: Have you witnessed Raven's mood? It appears to be ungood.

Beast boy: Yeah even (Y/n) doesn't look like he's in a good mood

ROBIN: Yeah, they've been like that for the last few days. Shh. Here they come.

[Raven hovers into the kitchen where the rest of the Titans are. She then uses her powers closing the window shutters, then lands on the floor and (Y/n) is seen walking in the kitchen looking as if he hasn't slept for days.]

BEAST BOY: Okay, You two. What's bugging you? You know, uh, more than usual?

[Raven electrocutes him. Beast Boy turns into ash.]

(Y/n): "None of Your Business"

RAVEN: And I don't wanna talk about it.

CYBORG: Come on, sing little birdies.

[A microphone appears from Cyborg's arm. Angry, (Y/n) Crushes the Microphone and Raven uses her dark magic to shove Cyborg into the fridge.]


RAVEN: [demonic voice] And I said I don't want to talk about it!

CYBORG: [frightened] And I can totally respect that.

ROBIN: (Y/n)..., Raven...

[(Y/n) just responds with a Growl]

RAVEN: Alright. I'll tell you. My father is coming here for a visit.

ROBIN: Oh no...?

RAVEN: You don't understand. He's not your typical dad.

CYBORG: I can relate. I mean, I am half robot after all.

[Flashback begins]

[A young Cyborg is drinking from a bottle when he is greeted with a green ball. He then throws the ball.]

YOUNG CYBORG: Catch, daddy, catch!

[The ball merely hits a toaster, and toast appears from the top. The Young Cyborg is saddened by this.]

[Flashback ends.]

RAVEN: It's just, I had a lot of issues growing up.

BEAST BOY: Who had childhood issues? Ahem.

[Another Flashback begins]

BABY BEAST BOY: Excuse me, but are you my mother?

[Elephant blows Beast Boy away]

BABY BEAST BOY: Okay, okay, thanks anyway.

[Beastie bounces off the back of a warthog and lands directly behind it.]

BABY BEAST BOY: Uh, are you my mother?

[The warthog kicks Beastie away. He lands in front of a seal.]

BABY BEAST BOY: Are you my mother?

[The seal spins Baby Beast Boy on its nose then slaps him away with its tail. Beast Boy then lands in toucan feed. He pops out of the bird feed and is whimpering.]

TOUCANS [repeating]: Are you my mother? Are you my mother?

[Flashback End and Beast Boy has tears in his eyes but shakes his head.]

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