two - alone

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I wake up with an axe in my chest. 

Surprisingly, that's a new one. I've never been killed with an axe. Especially not by the hands of a witch. Fuck, my head hurts. And where even am I?

The sun is beaming down at me mercilessly. I'm laying on my back, my hands touching the ground. Trees are left and right from me, so tall that I think they actually reach the sky...or it's just my still kind of blurry vision. 

My whole body aches as I try to get up, supporting myself with my arms. I rip out the axe and throw it away as far as I can which isn't that far given my current condition. There's a weird ringing in my left ear. Honestly, getting slashed with an axe feels the same as getting shot. At least after waking up. 

In case you haven't figured it out by now: I'm immortal. Sounds crazy, I know. You can imagine my reaction when I first heard about it. About vampires and witches and werewolves and whatever the hell else there is. 

All the stories you've heard about people being attacked by vampires are real. And everything you know about them is, too. Okay well, not everything everything. The mirror-stuff isn't. Same goes for garlic and I really don't sleep in a coffin. It hurts my back, I've tried. The sunlight-thing is only partly true. I have a magical ring that protects me from it. Take the ring off? I'll burn to dust the second the sunlight hits me. I got it from some witch down in Louisiana. Had to threaten to kill her in order to get it though. 

I take a look around while my vision slowly gets clearer and attaches to the light. I'm in the woods, next to...a grave? Wait no, that's not a grave. It's a tomb. And I'm here because....we wanted to get out. No...NO. I remember. I remember everything. Bastards.

Never realized fury is a good way to stimulate circulation but as it turns out it helps. From one second to the other I'm on my feet. No body aches, no ear ringing and the cuts from the aches are completely healed by now. I walk towards the big hole in the ground. Getting faster with every step I take until finally, I'm standing right on the edge. It's real. They're gone. 

For a moment, I don't know what to do. I wanna scream, I wanna kill somebody, kill myself. God, I even want to cry. I don't want it to be true, but it is. They left me alone in this shitty small-town-prison that I've already been trapped in for months. But why? I didn't do anything. We wanted to get out together and here I am, alone, still a prisoner. 

I let my head fall back. The sun is still glaring down at me like personal vendetta. Like it's trying to mock me. Telling me that I'll relive the same day for eternity. Little does it know that I'm not one to give up easily. 

I need a plan, I need to get out of here. And when I do, Bonnie, Damon, I'll come for you. I'll get my revenge. So be warned. 


I make my walk back to the Salvatore Mansion. Yesterday, it was just a house. Now it appears in front of me like something straight out of a horror movie. A house in which hundreds of people have died over the centuries by the hands of supernatural beings. I wouldn't be surprised if this place was hunted by ghosts. 

The wooden floor creaks under my footsteps as I enter the front porch. I can hear the wind slightly rustle through the leaves behind me. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and step inside the building. 

It's empty and as quiet as a graveyard. How depressing. 

A look at the huge leather couch suddenly makes me feel sleepy. Man, when was the last time I've slept? How can someone come back from the dead but still feel tired as hell? I slowly walk to the couch, ready to just let my body fall onto the cushions and drift to sleep and forget about my hopeless situation. But then I stop. 

WICKED GAMES || KAI PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now