Detroit Become Human

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Full Name: Alexandra Lin
Preferred Name: Alec
Nicknames: None

Age: Depends on Roleplay
Birthday:October 28th
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Sexual Orientation: Demisexaul
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Nationality: American

Hometown:  Detroit 
Morning Person or Night Owl: Night Owl
Major Accidents or Trauma: Car accident when she was younger.
Occupation: Detective 

How mature are they: she's fairly mature, mostly in a professional setting 
Do they give other people nicknames: Not really,  it's not in character for her
Do they like getting/having nicknames: She doesn't mind them, but she wouldn't say she wants  any eithrt
Birth Order (First/Middle/Youngest): Youngest
Siblings: two older brothers
Spouse/Partner: Conner

Do they have a big family: kinda, it's her parents and her siblings. 
What were they like as a baby: very curious
What were they like as a child: very shy leaning not talking to anyone hardly ever 
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected:  It's in between, her parents  had good intention but really high expectations 
Relationship Skills: She can be very oblivious, typically she isn't the one to start anything  either.
Relationship Status: Single currently 

How quick are they to trust others: It takes a while, it's not easy for her to open up to people and show them that trust.
Do they want kids someday: not sure, she hasn't ever thought about it in depth. 
Would they prefer to adopt, use a surrogate, or have their own child: adopt
Do they prefer lots of friends or having a small group of close friends: small group of people she trusts,  she only ever keeps few people around at times. 
Name one thing you know about the character that they don't know about themselves: very clingy, she doesn't pick up that she is, but she really can be.
Are they flexible: yes
Right or Left handed: left
Pets (If yes, describe them - ie. are they well taken care of? Does your character like them?): a cat named lilith, she's a super fluffy black car.
Pets they want: another cat
Type of Drunk (Happy, Emotional, Angry, etc...): emotional
Addictions: none
Preferred Environment (City, Woods, Beach, Small town, etc...): City, she can't really do suburbs or urban areas. 
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120
Blood Type: AB
Birthmarks: beauty marks by her bottom lip.
Do they have a good memory: Yes, she has a great memory 
Are there and blank spots in their memory: yes a few, but only from points in her childhood 
Build: She's got a pear shape body, but she is on the stronger side of things.
Cup Size: c
Race: white
Eye Colour: green
Eye Shape: almond
Hair Colour: black
Hair Style: wavy
Hair Length: short
Hair thickness: thick
Hair texture: sliky
Would they ever dye their hair: She often thinks about what it would be like to dye her hair
If so, what colour would they dye it: green
Is their hair healthy: yes, she takes care of it well, like everything else about her.
Distinguishing Facial Features: beauty marks
What skin type do they have (ie. oily, dry, etc...): dry.
What are their hands like (ie. Big, small, soft, calloused, cold, clammy, etc...): small and calloused from work. 
Do they wear make up: sometimes
Do they like wearing shoes:yes
Do they like wearing socks: yes
Do they wear Glasses/Contacts: contacts

Skin Colour: pale

Shape of Face: round

Distinguishing Features:beauty mark

Typical Dress/Clothing Style: practical. For her job, weather, ect.

Do they like how they look: yes

Do they have good hand-eye coordination: yes

Known Languages: English and Spanish 

Do they have an accent:no

Social Class: middle

Are they creative: yes

What do they smell like: Evergreen

What do they sound like: Her voice is soft and not pitched to high, but it's on the higher side

How would they react to a breakup: cry and binge eat sweets

Mannerisms: polite, but stern about things.

Do they have any secrets: yes

Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: optimistic

Have they had their first kiss: No

What smells remind them of their childhood: Lavender

Do they believe in love at first sight: yes

Do they believe in true love: yes

Have they ever had their heart broken: yes

Are they ticklish yes

Are they good at giving gifts: yes

Are they a vegetarian: no

Are they vegan: no

Can they cook: A little

Can they keep a secret: yes

Are they introverted or extroverted:Introverted

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