chapter 6: things got worse

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For the rest of the day, the PJ masks kept waiting for Slappy to show up but he never did. So when night came they went to HQ to try to find him.

Catboy: hey PJ robot can you try to find. he started

Slappy: hey guy's. he said as they look and saw him on the couch by the big screen

Gekko: Slappy did you do something to Cameron that got him hurt

Slappy: maybe

Owlette: why did you do that

Slappy: when he did that to you guy's I wanted to get back a him. he said putting on an innocent smile (if he does smile)

Catboy: we were used to him doing stuff like that to us, and hurting him while getting back at him was uncalled for

Slappy: I say we put this in the past know and focus on the future as a team

Catboy: after what you did earlier, I am not sure if we are considering you part of the team. he said as Gekko and Owlette agreed

Slappy: hearing you say that makes me mad........and you don't want to see what happens when I get mad. he said with the other half in a mad voice

Owlette: my section now. she said in a commanding voice

So the trio go to Owlette's level leaving Slappy on the couch

Owlette: we have a new problem

Catboy: yeah that dummy is not exactly how we though of him

Slappy: did someone call a team meeting without me. he said scaring the trio and they saw him by the books in her section

Gekko: no Slappy why would you think that, we were just planning something special for you. he said as Catboy and Owlette agreed with him

Slappy: wwll here is some special information for you three, this is my team now and in my team I make the rules. he said as he walked towards them scaring them a little

As he walked towards them, they backed up a little and Gekko felt something behind him and got a quick idea

Gekko: knock knock. he said out of the blue making Catboy, Owlette and Slappy confused

Slappy: who's there

Gekko: bat

Slappy: bat who

Gekko: batter up. he said revealing the metal bat behind him

Gekko then went towards him and swung the bat and knocked Slappy out. The trio then surrounded him looking at him.

Gekko: now what do we do with him

Catboy: we burn him

Gekko: Catboy I saw movies where they did that and it doesn't end well

Owlette: I have a better idea

The trio know are walking though the woods with Gekko carrying a big suitcase that was locked to keep Slappy in, then they came to a big and deep puddle that was connected to the ocean.

Gekko: are committing a crime doing this. he asked

Owlette: it is a puppet, the only thing we are doing is littering

Gekko then used his super gecko muscles to throw the suitcase into the water, they watched it sink then left to the cat car to go back. (they were a way away from HQ)

Gekko: I still can't believe we did that

Catboy: we had no choice Gekko

Owlette: yeah, and I saw we forget it happened cause no one will believe us, he is locked in a case that is underwater, there is no way that dummy is getting out. she said as Catboy and Gekko agreed

Just then Slappy dropped onto the window of the cat car scaring the trio. 

Slappy: who are you calling dummy dummy. he said mad

Catboy: what do you want

Slappy: I just want to be part of the team. he said as he kept hitting the screen cracking it

Catboy then made the cat car go faster, then after a few seconds slammed on the breaks stopping the car and it sent Slappy flying a good few feet of a mile

Catboy: are you two ok. he asked as they nodded

Gekko: where did Slappy go. he said as he didn't see him

Owlette: guy's I think this just got worse

That's it for this chapter. The PJ masks now just rejected Slappy and made him mad. Comment below what you think Slappy is going to do now. See you later.

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