ch8: finally grew some?

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Y:"....where am I"

Everything is dark around you, you feel alone and scared, you don't know of what though. Until the memories start flooding back.

Everything thing that has happened so far has you on the edge constantly, you hate this feeling and wish you could do something about it. Where did all this even start? When the gang claimed you as their own? When Melissa shot that girl? The mall?

You start thinking back but only remember the constant fear being present when Brittany was around. Was this her fault? Was it her fault you were always scared, always low on money, got you into this trouble, caused you to belong to these ruthless gang members?

A new feeling arises, one you are foreign to.

What if they did you a favor?


y:"what was that?"

Tires screeching and gunshots is all you can hear in the distance, but they are getting closer.

Y:"I must have passed out again."

Your senses start coming back, you start to feel your body moving harshly here and there along with tire screeching.

Y:"you know, I think I've realized something, all of this, was because of her."

Memories of your dead girlfriend came back one by one.

Y:"I can't believe I didnt realize it before. Our relationship, the bags, all her wants and needs I paid for and all the abuse. It was all just a fucking game to her."

Brittany:"congratu-fucking-lations, you finally woke up."

The young man looked over to see his girlfriend, or now exgirlfriend


Brittany:"don't get soft on me now. You were actually making progress"

The feeling from before starts to grow

Y:"progress? You call this progress? I'm in this shit because of you! All I ever done was treat you right and now I'm getting shot at and beat up by other gang members!"

Brittany:"yeah yeah, whatever. Look I got to get back to hell to get me skin boiled off soon. The only reason Im here talking to you in a dream is to send you a message"

Y:"a message? From who?"

Brittany:"the queen of England, I don't fucking know. Just some guy in a white robe said he'd make my sentence in hell less horrible if I tell you that you have to use the "choke""

Y:"the fucking what?"

Brittany:"times up"

At that moment your senses came back fully. You open your eyes to see you are upside down. After observing the area around you, you notice you were in Melissa's car. The car had multiple shattered windows and was on its roof. Through the broken windshield you see Melissa and the other girls fighting off rival gang members.

Realizing this could be your best chance to leave, you undone the seatbelt that held you if the seat of the barracuda, once you were free you feel onto the cloth inside of the roof with a thud.


After thumping your head you crawl out through the broken windshield. You get up and dust yourself off. As you began thinking that you'll finally be notice 2 other gang members running at you. Realizing that you don't have the same colors as them you did the only logical thing.



after running for a bit you notice only one is still following. You may have a lead but your getting tired, you need to hide.

You take a turn around the corner of a house and jump the fence. On the other side of the fence is a old shed. With your remaining strength you shoulder charge the door and break it open, after your inside you shut the door as good as you can since you broke the frame. The only source of light you ave is from a small dusty window near the door. You retreated into the dark and hoped the other gang member would think you kept running

After a couple of minutes nothing happened. The coast seemed clear. You were about to get up and leave but just then you hear the door squeak open and you saw the same guy that was chasing you

???:"I know your in here asshole. The broken doors a dead giveaway"

Y(thought):"shit he found me"

The thug pulls out a gun and racks the slide back

???:"my friends are going to be here too. We just finished tying up those buddies of yours so why don't you make this easy and come out now so you can die with your friends huh?

You stay in the dark, not knowing what to do. You stretch your hands in the dark to hopefully find something to fight with. Your hand brushes up against something......familiar.

???:"you can stay in the dark all you like but once my buddies get here we are gonna fill this shed with bullets"

Y(thoughts):"damn it! Not much time. I gotta remember how to start this.... Fuck I can't remember"

Suddenly the reader remembered what Brittany told him and a smile spread across his lips

"You have to use the choke"


???:"the fuck was that? You trying to start up some shitty moped?



The sound was familiar to the thug he couldn't quite remember what that sound belonged too but it was old and sickly


The sound rang through the shed loudly. The rev of the old engine carried a powerful and angry tone.

This tone stroke fear into the thug but it had a different effect on the reader. The sound seemed to only fuel him, almost as if the rough and aggressive sound revealed something deep within him. The foreign feeling he felt was growing at a alarming rate. The same feeling that has been buried under the fear he has felt for so long. The feeling was the anger of all the abuse finally unlocked. The intoxicating feeling of power echoed through the readers body as he held the trigger. He could tell the thug was scared and it pleased him.

Finally, After all these years someone felt the same thing he did.

The young man charged at the thug from the dark and brought the chainsaw down onto his shoulder ripping and tearing his bone and muscles apart as the tiny blades dug into him.

His scream was drowned out by the aggression of the motor. The sound was the sweetest the reader has ever heard. This moment gave him a smile on his face.

As the chainsaw ran down his torso the young male twisted the chainsaw and cut open the thugs stomach causing his intestines to spill out. The chainsaw was yanked back but was then thrusted into the bottom of the thugs chin going straight through his skull while the tiny blades threw blood and brain matter over the wall and the clothes of the reader.

The thugs body just shook limply from the chainsaws power, Until the blades finally ate through the front of his skull causing his body to fall on the ground with a wet *shlop*

The chainsaws motor died out and left the shed in a peaceful silence until the reader spoke to the dead body almost as if it were still alive.

Y:"you know, I always forgot how to start up a chainsaw. My father used to have to constantly remind me to turn on the choke. Guess I remembered this time huh?"

The young male still had a smile on his face as he stared at the lifeless body. After a minute he turned towards the door and left with the chainsaw still grasped in his hand

End chapter.

A/n here it is the awaited chapter of the story. Seems like someone finally broke out of Stockholm syndrome huh? Stay tuned to find out what happens next. See you next time

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