ch1: a very bad day

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*your pov*



I lay on the ground and hold my cheek  to nurse the pain away

Y:"y-yes I am" I manage to shakily say while my girlfriend Brittany Jackson stands over me

Brittany:*scoff* "get up you worthless piece of trash"

I obey what she says and stand up, she starts walking and I follow her but with a limp due to all of the bruises she gives me. We are currently in a neighborhood which I'm sure is owned by the Barracudas, but she still yells at me and hits me in public despite the fact

Brittany:"if it wasn't for me you'd just be a loser who no-one cares about. You should thank me for dating your sorry-ass even though you can barely pay for shit"

Y:"i-i.....I'm sorry I'm such a failure Brittany"




I fell on the ground again. I try to get up but I am kicked in the ribs while I'm down


Her words are like acid to me, I believe every word she says. I am a loser, I work at a store full time and I can barely pay for her clothes. I can't even buy her a new purse every week like she asks. What kind of a boyfriend can't even afford that


Y:*UGH* *Cough* *Cough*

Your coughing blood while your girlfriend is kicking you. It seems she has broken some ribs and may be ramming the broken bones into your heart or lungs, you don't fight however since you were thinking: 'maybe I deserve this, I'm sure she wants the best for me, I'm the one to blame, Brittany is always right'

She kept kicking you until you both heard a voice


*Jazmine's pov (5 minutes ago)*

I heard some violent screaming in my hood while I was chilling with my homegirls

*Faint* fucking pathetic...... waisting air

Homegirl 1:"the hell is that yelling"

Homegirl 2:"better not be one of those Maverick bitches in our hood"

Jazmine:"I'll go check it out girls if I yell then blast those sluts"

Homegirl 1:"dont worry we gotcha back girl"

I go outside and walk to the sound of yelling and see one of those girls who think their shit is made of gold kicking a poor man on The ground, I notice she is loaded with all kinds of expensive shit. Her purse is even Gucci. The man however looks like he is wearing cheap ass clothes. Maybe he owes her money


I get both of their attention

Jazmine:"the fuck is all this yelling about?"

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Jazmine:"the fuck is all this yelling about?"

Brittany:"my fucking bitch of a boyfriend here is getting what he deserves"

I notice the male coughing up some blood on the grass

Jazmine:"he doesn't look too good, you sure he deserves being knocked around like that"

Brittany:"of course I do. He can't even but me a gold ring with diamonds in it"

Jazmine thoughts:'wow this bitch is really entitled'

Jazmine:"doesn't seem like a reason to beat this guy up" *helps you up and looks at you* "hey are you ok? Do you need me to call an ambulance"

Y:"n-no. I-im fine"

He tries to smile but the pain is to much for him to hide. My heart throbs seeing him in pain

Brittany:*scoff* "did you get enough attention (y/n)? Are you gonna cwy now?"

She mocks the man like she is talking to a baby and for some reason it pisses me off! I was on the verge of fucking killing this bitch.

Y:"yes. I'm read to go h-home"

Brittany:"good and you better get me that ring"

Y:"I will I promise"

The girl and guy start walking away from me and I see the guy is limping pretty bad. I listen to their conversation a bit more till I can't hear them

Brittany:" and that new lipstick along with a new coat"

Y:"y-yes anything you want."

Brittany:"if I have to I will sell your shit to get them"

Y:"I understand b-brittany"

That fucking bitch. HOW DARE SHE TREAT SOMEONE SO HORRIBLE WHEN THEY BREAK THEIR BACK TO DO SO MUCH FOR HER. oh my God calm down jazmine, it's just another girl using a guy for her own gains, nothing new, she's just a gold digger who is FUCKING ABUSING A HOT, LOYAL MAN WHO WOULD BE BETTER OFF WITH ME

I storm back to my house and open up the door causing my 2 homegirls to look at me

Jazmine:"both of you are helping me kill this bitch. TONIGHT!"

Homegirl 1:"woah calm down jazmine. Your acting pretty aggressive"

Jazmine:"I don't care we are killing her and we are taking him with us"

Homegirl 2:" him? Who the fuck are you talking about?"


Homegirl 1:"ok! Chill! We are getting ready"

Both of the girls go and get ready for a fight

Jazmine thoughts:'Don't you worry handsome, you'll have a better girlfriend by tomorrow~"

yandere gangster girls x abused malereaderWhere stories live. Discover now