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Heheh, this chapter is dedicated to KayaDungey who has demanded for no more of InuKag. I will officially make Inuyasha leave Kagome. I've been waiting for this moment to write this muhahhahahahahah
Also this chappie will be a bit random

Read on my delicious muffikins

Narrator's P.O.V

After the trio came back from ze job, Kagome went to sleep straight away in Kaede's hut from using her Miko powers. Probably because she hasn't used them in ages.

Nights fell. Stars were shining bright. Kagome was having a nightmare. Tossing and turning in her sleep and crying.
Kaede heard her cries and immediately waked her up.


"Skittles?" Kaede's right brow rose.

Kagome rubbed her eyes "eh? Gomenesai Kaede" apologised Kagome.

" that's alright, what's wrong? You had a nightmare?" Kaede asked worried for the Daiyōkai's health.

"Just missed my-" kagome's eyes widened and just realised what she was about to say "my family. That's all" she muttered.

"It's ok to miss your family, there is nothing wrong with that" Kaede patted Kagome's back.

"Arigatou Kaede." Kagome thanked. Then she stood up."I'm going outside for some fresh air for a bit."
Kaede nodded.

Kagome's P.O.V

I'm still feeling a bit dizzy from what happened today.

'That child was taken over by his anger. He could not control himself. Do not be saddened. You helped him pass on and face reality'
An inner voice said to me.

'Who are you!' I asked in my mind.

No answer.

I sighed and went on a small walk to the tree where I first met Inuyasha.
But before I got there i heard voices.

Inuyasha and Kikyo's voices. My heart stopped for a scecond.

'What is she doing here?'

'Why is she here?'

'Why is Inuyasha there?'

'What are they talking about?'

'A billion questions flooded my mind.'

'Don't go'

The inner voice told me. But I was curious. When I got there my heart shattered into millions and billions and trillions of pieces. What do they call it. Curiousity kills the cat?
Tears flowed down my cheeks. The words flashed through again and again and again in my mind like a tape.


"Inuyasha, you love that girl, stay with her she needs you" Kikyo calmly says.

Inuyasha hesitated.
"No,I thought I loved her. When ever I see her, my heart pains me so and I blush like crazy. But then i finally realised it."

My breathe stopped.

"My heart belonged to you and only you. Kagome just made me remind me of you. Kikyo, I LOVE you. Not Kagome. Not anyone else. But you. She was nothing but a replacement for you"

Flashback ends

I backed away slowly and stepped on a stick and it cracked. Oh no!
I looked at them. They looked at me.

"Kagome" Kikyo whispered looking sad, shocked and guilty.

"I'm sorry," Inuyasha said face facing down, his bangs covering his eyes.

I backed away even more.
Then I broke into a sprint and ran away from them into the forest. For what seemed like hours I finally found a peaceful looking clearing where I could be alone. I broke down into tears.

"Uuuuwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" I screamed my sorrows out thinking that it'd help me feel better. It didn't so I screamed out even louder.

"UuuUuuUuuuuWwwAaaaaAaaaAaAaaaAaAAAAAaaaaAaaaAaaaaHhhhHhhhhhhh!" I screamed my lungs out. My inner self inside of me was whimpering.

(2018 Author: holy wha- damn that scream lmao)

Eventually my screams turned into whimpers. I was on my knees and my hands covering my face. The breeze brushed against my hair and on my neck. My voice turned croaky and dry. Seeing the lake, I crawled to the middle of the clearing near it. I looked at my reflection and gasped. Blood red eyes like Sesshomaru's, messy hair, messed up face.
I looked horrible, I couldn't go back like this. They would get worried and ask what happened.

I washed my face with the lake water and drank some too. Since I was here, hey, I could take a bath. I haven't washed today so I stink real bad. Might as well take my mind off that jerk.
I took of my miko kimono and went into the lake.
It was cold but I did not mind.
I splashed the cold water onto my skin, goosebumps rose and I sneezed. As I bathed, I noticed the water moved, not rippling, but moved as though from a current. I crinkled my nose and then sniffed as an idea pooped up in my mind.

I stood up so the water was at my waist and I focused my powers at my hands. The water around me started to create waves and move around strangely. It was..strange and was fun!

I focused even more then the water swirled and small streams of water whirled around my arm and on my other arm, the water covered like a blob. It was fascinating to how I could control these water powers. It was like I was water bending!

Then I focused my powers on my feet as I lifted myself onto the water's surface. Now I can walk on the water! It's...amazing! I walked across, creating ripples and tiny splashes.

"Heheh" I splashed the water with my feet having a centremetre of my feet under water so I can splash it. I used the water with my bending skills and made different shapes of the water.
Then I twirled around so the water at my feet splashed in circles and the water twirled and spun around me also making mini whirlpools and mini tornadoes.
Then I froze some of the water and exploded them so they look like snow.

I never got tired of it, but eventually it drained me dry and my skin was crinkled and cold. So I finished my bath and walked back to land, put my clothes on and laid on my back on the grass, star watching.

I started to hum a lullaby.

A flash of yellow was spotted. A shooting star!
I wish...................

Today wore me out a lot. Inuyasha words, his betrayal, that guilty look, Kikyo's revival. But it was not Kikyo's fault. It was that jerks fault.

Sigh. My eyelids grew heavy and slowly I fell into a sleep, drifting away into my dreams.

Narrator's P.O.V

Somewhere in the trees, not far away. A pair of Amber coloured eyes watched the young Daiyōkai's every move. A smirk rose to his lips.

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