Chapter 25 Akai Tsuki

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For a moment, Kagome thought she saw emotions in Sesshomaru's eyes. But it wasn't for long as it was glazed over in coldness. Kagome mentally sighed in disappointment but then gasped at her own emotions. Why was she disappointed? Kagome didn't know. Everything was all suddenly a mystery to her. His voice broke her out of her trance.

"You are supposed to be inside. Rin" Sesshomaru turned his gaze to Rin.

"I'm sorry lord Sesshomaru." Rin apologised sadly and fidgeted, unsure of what to say next. Sesshomaru called Jaken and Jaken took her inside for class. She was home schooled

"You" Sesshomaru turned to Kagome and thought a moment of where to put her. Then he straightened his back and glared at Kagome and turned around and walked off. Kagome followed. He led her through several halls and stopped at a door, he opened it and grabbed Kagome. He gently pushed her in and said "you read" in statement rather than a question.
"Yes" Kagome nodded. Sesshomaru just nodded, then said, "break anything and you shall pay dearly" coldly, then walked out, closing the door behind.
Kagome look around and gasped, it was a whole archive of books and...books!
Then she thought back to Naraku. 'Kagome Akai Tsuki' she remember him say.

"Maybe..just maybe I can finally find my identity!" Kagome softly said and started to roam the area.

3 hours later....

"Urggghh, ...too many...documents...books...scroll..."  Kagome groaned as she slammed her head against the low table. Around her were a whole lot of books. Kagome groaned again, know she'd have to put them back. So far, she had found nothing about her name, something made her curious though, her last name mean red moon so why would the crescent moon on her head is golden? Kagome just anime sobbed and lifted her body and dragged it to put all the books back. Of course, it only took like ten-twenty minutes but in Kagome's mind, it took like a million years.
It was afternoon so Kagome was slightly tired even she did nothing but read old boring documents, but you've gotta admit, anyone in her place would've gone dead tired from searching several documents and finding nothing which is a big waste.

Kagome decided to walk around the maze like archive once more and stretch her legs again. It was boring, yes, but somewhat good exercise. Then, an unknown and strange aura was felt. Kagome went stiff and turned around. There was no one. But the aura had this murderous feel to it. It was frightening. "Why does this remind me of that creep Akuma?" She spat.

Suddenly, "woaah! Ah!" Kagome tripped over something. Looking behind, it was a book. A really old book. Dusty, old, crinkly and worn out. "Achoo!" Sneezing from the dust.
She shook her head then used her sleeves to wipe the front cover. It revealed "Akai Tsuki Clan History"
The Inu Yōkai gasped and stood up and ran over to the table and began to open it. wouldn't budge! Why!? Then Kagome inserted a bit of her demonic aura and then it opened. 'Genius' she thought.

The book opened, and a weak yet mysterious powerful aura leaked out. Kagome's pupil's went into slits as she spread her aura around the area near her and put a barrier using her miko powers to stop other demons sensing this aura. She started on page one.

"The Akai Tsuki Clan. A small clan but powerful Inu Yōkai." Kagome softly read aloud. She skipped a few pages and then some more, only reading the information that caught her attention the most. "They appear at the blood moon and their full potential are at it's fullest then." "They live in an another world or dimension." "Each has their own special rare power." "They all disappeared after a battle that lasted many years. The last one seen was at the blood moon after the battle where rumours to say, many were sealed up into." Kagome read each from different pages. Shocked.
She gritted her teeth and closed the book, putting down the barrier quickly. "I want to borrow this book" she said aloud to no one in particular.

"Demon" a voice was heard right behind her.

"Ah!" Kagome jumped and turned her heels and faced the owner of the squawky voice, "Jaken" she says nervously.
Jaken looks at her with a beaming eye, "Sesshomaru-sama has sent me to fetch you. It's time to go back to your room."

Kagome nodded, "yeah, ok", hiding the book behind her back. Unfortunately, Jaken was not easily fooled. He glared at her and demanded her to take out what was behind her back.
Kagome knew he would not let it go, so she took the book out. Jaken just gawked at it and quickly said  "put it back! Now!"
"What's wrong with it? It's just a book?" Kagome just hugged the book to her chest.

"It's an important documentary that low life's like you mustn't touch!" Jaken flailed about. Kagome just shook her head and clenched not it. She refuses to let go.
"I need it!" She says. But Jaken disapproves, "you cannot take anything from here and that book particularly!" So he jumps up and grabbed it, but because Kagome had a good grip and is taller, Jaken was left hanging of the book.
"Give the book" He said with fire in his eyes. Kagome panicked and moved the book in front for her and shook it. When he didn't remove his hands, she ran around and shook the book even more!

"The book does not belong to you!" Jaken growled.

"But I need it to find my history!" Kagome blurted in fustration. This surprised Jaken and he let go and fell. "W-what?" He stutters, "y-you come from the Akai Tsuki clan!" Jaken gasps and stumbles back a little, "no impossible, they all disappeared from the surface of this world years ago!"

Kagome shook her head. "No, one of their members brought me to another world" 'in an another time' "during the war so I could live peacefully before I returned. I,....I am sure I am part of this clan!" Kagome announced.

Jaken stared at her then shook his head. "Very well, but damage it there will be consequences"

Jaken walked out leading the way with Kagome following behind, holding a book in her hands with a cheery grin.

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