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Lisa's Point of View

Christmas is just around the corner, the people around made that thought clear with their decorations. Our country won the all-around championship in the game League of Legends this year. This will be in the history for sure, but the air around me was too thick for my liking. A couple of weeks after, this year 2031 will be over as well.

I wish I could go back.

The thought made me come to a halt as I remember that I can. I don't know when it started or how it started to begin with, but I do possess the ability to travel back in time or even go to the future. I stepped inside the train. well.. squeezed my way in rather. The train was filled with citizens to the brim as most people were trying to go home to spend the holidays with their loved ones. And yet, here I am taking the train to go back in time. One strange thing about the ability of mine is that, I could only travel back in time when inside a train. No idea why either.

"Doors are closing. Doors are closing." The automatic voice from the train announced while the people settled in their seats and some holding onto the handling grips while the doors of the train started to close. I take a deep breath and tightened my grip around my sling backpack that had my camera in it when I feel the train started to move slowly, then at a pace. I could hear the train's engine thumping along with the slow beating of my heart, calmly making me close my eyes.

Here we go again.

By the time I opened my eyes, the modern train that was once filled with people to the brim were gone, I could only see a few number of people and the train's interior changed as well. Less tech and modernity but more rustic. more subtle.


"3:30pm, Ruby Jane. traffic accident." The title read as my alarm rang after a few hours after I got off the train. I let out a sigh when I remembered that she was attending a meeting for rising amateur photographers. I can't remember where though. I got in my car and started driving to look for her, hoping a familiar setting would come to mind.

You may be wondering who she is and what she is to me. I know her, but she does not know me at all- and no. I'm not a stalker. It's just that wherever I go, I always cross paths with the girl. The girl who's death is always put on hold... By me. I don't like to be involved with other people, I don't like playing hero too but for some reason, all of these rules. They are almost non-existent when I'm around her presence.


I stood from afar taking pictures in a familiar setting that I was in when my lens landed on her. There she is. She had her camera on her left hand, slightly covering her mouth with her right as she laughed along with her friends. I could tell they were taking photos of her. She was quite the sight to see, an adorable gummy smile and soft features too.

Today, I'm going to change her fate. My life might revolve and depend on her.

I always wonder why she refuses when her friends asks her to have lunch together, wonder why instead of going with them, she buys cup noodles from the convenience store instead and eats it alone. She started to walk away when our eyes locked. Shit. Was I too obvious? I am well aware that what I am doing might be creepy to someone who didn't know my intentions. I'm trying to save her life here, cut me some slack.

I trailed after her footsteps while catching a glimpse of my watch. 3:25pm. Only five minutes prior to her accident. When I look up, she was already a few feet away from me. I ran towards her and grabbed her forearm making her gasp. "Excuse me. Ms. Ruby Jane Kim?"

Our eyes met again, her facial expression seemed to be both confused and creeped out. "Who are you?" she uttered with an attitude, this is a very unpleasant situation to be in but I need to get on and deal with it right away. "Can we talk?"

"I don't want to." Her eyes travelled up and down my body like I'm some sort of pervert. How do I lighten up the mood, I small grin painted my lips when I smell the faint scent of coffee. "Why don't we get a cup of coffee?" Her body turned away from me as she started walking away muttering to herself to an annoyed tone. She must be annoyed with me, without a doubt. I grabbed her forearm again making her jolt and retract her arm back, keeping it close to her body. "Do I know you? I don't think so."

"You have no reason to be scared of me." I reassured her. "You're weird. It's so creepy." She said while turning away and started walking. I clenched my fists then unclench them. Let me save you. "Just five minutes will do. Excuse me." I blurted out while walking after her. This girl is showing no sign of stopping and the crossroad is only a few steps away. I clenched my jaw as I let out a quiet sigh of frustration. Fuck this.

"You're very beautiful. I'd love it if I could have a cup of coffee with you." I stopped on my tracks when she slowed down and stopped as well. A vision of her getting hit by a truck flashed before my eyes. When she turned around locking her cat shaped eyes with mine with intensity that I could feel my ears burning. "How do you know my name? You called me by my full name, Ms. Ruby Jane Kim." I took the chance to take a few steps closer towards her when she talked before saying "You're quite famous. You're 'the' Crimson Jane."

She used her hand to make a stop sign in front of my face before talking. "Wait, stop. You're making me uncomfortable with your excessive interest in me. I'm no celebrity. Also, I'm saying this because you offended me a bit- Forget it. We only just met. I must be overreacting." She claimed while starting to walk away again. "No, it's alright. You can say it. Just tell me, don't keep going that way." I chase after her, trying to distract her from walking forward to her possibly inevitable death, then catching a glimpse of my watch. Two minutes. I move to block her way then she looks at me annoyed again. "I'm very curious." I add.

"I mean-if you just wanted to talk to me out of curiosity, you should have just said some few words and left. But instead, you grabbed me by my arm twice. You pretended to have fallen for me saying I'm beautiful. I feel harassed and very unpleasant." She crosses her arms on her chest in a defensive manner.

"I'm sure numerous of guys follow you on the street to ask you for a cup of coffee with them. Wait-right! You must be tired of it. You're sick of it that it starts to annoy you. Did I get that right?" She leaned back with a small grin. Am I saying the right words for this? It doesn't matter anymore I just simply need to stall time. "I must be right. That's totally understandable. I do understand. Now that I understand you, why don't we get a cup of-"

"I don't think so." She spat before starting to walk away from me and starting to cross the road. I could see the truck speeding its way down the road and she still kept on walking. I grabbed her by her wrist and yanked her her close to me right before the truck could hit her.

If all things come and go like motion. I wouldn't mind existing within a timeframe where it seems like the world slowed down just for us to have these kinds of moments.

"That was close." I blurted out, her gaze locks with mine before trailing them down to my grip on her wrist while the other had a firm grip around her waist. She uses her hand to take my grip off of her, keeping my hand on hers without breaking any eye contact. Her eyes, they're quite alluring.

"Excuse me. You should stop doing this." She said mentioning how I kept grabbing her arm before letting go and started crossing the road. "How do I put this? You're a little clumsy." She added with a grin before turning away and walking away for good.


a/n: dont forget to vote and comment! It goes the long way ;)

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