𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 - star(e)s

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It has been over a week since Robin and Y/n made up

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It has been over a week since Robin and Y/n made up. So far, life hasn't been so bad. Not much has changed. After all, it is a small town. 

Finney has started to tutor Robin since he's close to suspension because of his low grades. No one is at all surprised. 

Students noticed Bruce and Y/n had been a lot closer than usual. Rumors have started because of this. Many suspect they're together, and they've made bets on if they were.

The truth is, the two haven't spoken about it yet. They're too nervous to talk about it. 

Y/n walks down the hallway, holding onto her backpack straps. Scanning the area, she notices many people whispering and pointing at her. Y/n pretends not to notice, although the kids are very obvious about it.

She opens her locker to put her stuff away and uses the door to hide her face as much as possible. It felt weird when people stared, especially since she didn't know why. 

When Y/n moved back, it was understandable when people talked about her. No one, including her, knew that she had to move back. But this time, it didn't make sense. 

Y/n heard a slight bang beside her, and Bruce smiled at her. She smiled back. At this point, it's a reflex to smile when he does. 

"You know, there's a fair this weekend. Wanna go?" Bruce asks nonchalantly. 

Y/n pauses, pretending to think about it. The answer was obviously yes. Who wouldn't want to go to the fair with Bruce Yamada?

She nods, immediately making his smile wider. "Great, it's a date!" He strides away. Even though she couldn't see his face, Y/n could tell that he was beaming by the look at the people in the hallway. 

Y/n smiles to herself. She's going out with Bruce Yamada. 

She and Bruce have been on a few dates. Most were at the diner, but the rest were at the swing set or their 'spot.'

Even though they've been on them together already, Y/n can't help but be excited for each one. She's marked every single date on her calendar. 


It was the fifth period, which was science. The class was learning about constellations. Y/n was thrilled to learn about them. When she stargazed with Bruce, she could now tell which constellation. 

The teacher played a documentary, and only five minutes into the film, people were asleep and zoning out. Five students were the only ones paying attention, including Y/n.

Bruce, who was next to her, rested his head in his arms, trying to sleep. He turned his head and looked at Y/n, who was focused. She was drawing the constellations in her notebook to look at later. 

He couldn't help but stare. Y/n was so passionate and always got excited about the things she loved. Bruce thought she was flawless in every way. 

"Take a picture. It'll last longer."

Bruce snaps out of his thoughts. Y/n caught him staring. He also noticed that she referenced that time at the Halloween store. 

Y/n chuckles at him as he smiles and turns his head to the television. 

Y/n was busy scribbling down the star patterns when she felt someone get close to her ear. 

"You know, that looks like a lawn mower," Bruce points at the image. 

She lets out a small laugh. "No, it does not," she whispers. 

"Yes, it does, and that one looks like a guy falling."

Y/n shakes her head. "No, there must be something wrong with your- wait, I see it," Y/n replies, causing Bruce to laugh at her. 

"Told you," he says with a smug smile. Y/n rolls her eye, and Bruce scrunches his nose. 

She grins at the face he made. "Cute," Y/n mumbles softly as she turns back to the TV. 

"What did you just call me?"

Y/n glances at Bruce and shakes her head. "Nothing," she lies. 

"You just called me cute, didn't you?" he says a bit too loud. People were looking at them.

Y/n elbows him softly, signaling to him that the kids heard. But Bruce didn't care. 

"Come on, don't deny it." 

More kids were staring. Y/n gets uncomfortable, so she slightly adjusts her seat. 

"I did, alright! Now shut up. People are looking." Y/n whisper-yells. Students' giggles fill the classroom, making the teacher pause the film. 

"Hey, pay attention! I see you guys laughing again; you get detention," the teacher threatens, and Y/n glares at Bruce.

The teacher resumes the film and turns the volume up so he can hear better. 

Bruce noticed the chance and took it. "That one looks like Mrs. Janet," he jokes. 

Y/n couldn't hold it in, and she let out a little laugh. She hits Bruce with her notebook, causing him to make a noise. 

The teacher pauses the film. He gets up, looking very upset. His eyebrows were lowered, and his mouth curved into a frown. Y/n's face drops immediately. However, she finds it hilarious because her science teacher looked so strange when he was mad. 

"I didn't catch the kids laughing, so all of you are staying after school for thirty minutes."

The class groans in disappointment. Then, they all give Bruce and Y/n a dirty look before the teacher turns the film back on. 

Bruce and Y/n glance at each other before silently laughing. They stopped because the students were glaring at them. It was difficult to hide their smiles, though. 


After school, Bruce and Y/n walk to the science classroom together. They were a bit close to each other, too close to be just friends. 

Y/n's eyes looked around the room, observing people staring again. The girls were the worst, though. They looked like they were about to murder her. Naturally, she gets even closer to Bruce.

He notices how Y/n got anxious. It gives him an idea. He takes her hand and interlocks his fingers with hers. Y/n looks at him with her eyes wide. Why was he holding her hand? Bruce only grins in reply. Y/n's lips stretched thin, and she looked around. 

Now, the girls turned away. You could see the pain on their faces. Y/n just laughed. It wasn't like they had a chance anyway. Holding his hand made her feel more comforted.

Then it hit her. She was holding Bruce Yamada's hand in the school hallways in front of everyone. 

People started whispering to each other. Only it didn't sound like whispers. It sounded like usual conversations because of how loud they were. 

"Are they dating?"

"So, Bruce and Y/n, nice."

"Ugh, that should be me!"

Y/n and Bruce only chuckled at people's comments. She realized that she shouldn't be so worried about what others think. As long as she's happy. 


this chapter was actually going to be longer but i split it. you'll see it soon, dw
also, i made a carrd if ur interested. it's in my bio :))
i know i say this everytime i upload, but thank u all so much for reading!! i really appreciate it sm
soon, a vance book will come out soon so watch out for that!
btw, i'm thinking of writing a non-tbp fic after vance, possibly cameron james?? (10tihay) if ur interested lmk and i'll think about it
i haven't written in 2 years so yeah i am writing A LOT rn i know... 
again, tysm for reading have a nice day <3

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