
248 3 0

September 1st 1991


Dan's Pov
"We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat."
"Only joking, Mom."
The train began to move as I waved to Molly (my adoptive mother) and Ginny (adoptive sister) who was doing a perfect balance of laughing and crying. Once they were out of sight, I made my way to Fred and George's compartment to chill with them, only for Ron to drag me. If you didn't know, all the mentioned people are my adopted family, as well as a 5th year brother named Percy, and two older brothers named Bill and Charlie. I know, I know, big family but we make it work.
Back to the story though. Ron quickly dragged me into a compartment which was empty except

Just kidding, though the kid looked a lot like me with the same build, green eyes and messy, untamable hair. He was wearing some Muggle clothes which were clearly hand-me-downs as well as a pair of badly worn glasses. The only difference between the two of us was that I was a red head but his was black. Also the very precise lightning-shaped scar.

"Dan, meet the Boy-Who-Lived!" Ron said in excitement as I looked closer at the great Harry Potter. He certainly didn't look like much, though I wasn't one to talk. He looked uncomfortable at the gaze so I quickly stopped and stretched out my hand

"Daniel Weasley, pleasure to meet you. I'm sure my brother has already told you our entire family history and you're also sick of him so don't worry if you wanna sock him in the face." I said as Ron looked offended and Harry smiled.

"Hey, Ron."
The twins were back.
"Listen, we're going down the middle of the train -- Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there."
"Right," mumbled Ron.
"Harry," said the other twin, "did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. See you later, then."

"Bye," said Harry and Ron. The twins slid the compartment door shut behind them.

"So you really are the Boy-Who-Lived." I said after they left.

Harry nodded.

"And have you really got -- you know..."
Ron pointed at Harry's forehead.
Harry pulled back his bangs to show the lightning scar. Ron stared.
"So that's where You-Know-Who..."
"Yes," said Harry, "but I can't remember it."
"Nothing?" said Ron eagerly.
"Well -- I remember a lot of green light, but nothing else."
"Lucky for you" I muttered under my breath. My parents got killed by Voldemort and I had nightmares about that stuff for most of my childhood.

"I heard you went to live with Muggles," said Ron. "What are they like?"
"Horrible -well, not all of them. My aunt and uncle and cousin are, though. Wish I'd had three wizard brothers."

"Six actually. Trust me, it's not a walk in the park really." I said.

While we had been talking, the train had carried them out of London. Now we were speeding past fields full of cows and sheep. We talked about loads of stuff including Quidditch (Harry had no idea what it was....such an atrocity). Around half past twelve there was a great clattering outside in the corridor and a smiling, dimpled woman slid back their door and said,

"Anything off the cart, dears?"

Harry leapt to his feet, but Ron's ears went pink again and he muttered that he'd brought sandwiches. Harry shrugged and went out into the corridor, coming back with practically everything.

"You have the appetite of Ron and that's saying something," I said, looking at his hands overflowing with snacks.

"Go on, have a pasty," said Harry, as we obliged, eating their way through all Harry's pasties,
cakes, and candies (the sandwiches lay forgotten).

"What are these?" Harry asked Ron, holding up a pack of Chocolate Frogs.
"They're not really frogs, are they?"
"No," said Ron. "But see what the card is. I'm missing Agrippa."

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