Chapter 6

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 14th September 1991

Dan's POV 

"Dad" I muttered under my breath, looking at the picture of James Potter and his friends who were shoving each other and laughing, looking so carefree. 

"Yes, Mr Potter was a Marauder. Prongs, to be precise," George said as he turned towards the door that led to the duelling room. 

"C'mon, we have one more thing to show you before you join us."

The duelling room was huge, with a 10 ft circle in the middle of the room. It was surrounded by inactive runes. On the far end of the room, a portrait of a teenage Dad was sleeping.

"Prongs said the Marauders decided to get a portrait of one of them to advise the next generation of Marauders." Fred explained as I nodded. 

"He's usually asleep for the first two weeks. He always wakes up right about..." George said as he looked at his watch "now."

As he said that, Dad began to stir, stretching out his limbs as he looked around.

"Hey boys. How was the break? Any new pranks to deliver to the population of Hogwarts." Dad said as I looked down, struggling to keep back the tears from spilling.

"We're good." The twins said in unison as Dad finally noticed me.

"Who's this?" Dad asked as I looked up again, letting him see my face and green eyes.

"Is he..." Dad said, trailing off in shock.

"Yes Prongs-" Fred said as they started the twin talk.

"It is our pleasure to present to you-"

"The most devilish prankster -"

"Since you guys-"

"Daniel Fleamont Potter!"

"SHE SAID YES!" Dad said as he jumped up and started to run round the painting, "I told Padfoot she'd say yes!"

"Who?" I asked.

"Your mum is Lily, right?" James asked as I smiled

"Nope." I said as he stopped, looking at me in horror as I continued, "I'm Daniel Fleamont Potter, son of James Potter and Persephone Weasley."

"Noooo!" Dad yelled, "Who the hell is Persephone? You have Red's eyes! You can't not be her son."

"He's kidding Prongs," Fred said between laughs as the three of us laughed at my dad's horror-stricken face. Once the sentence registered with him, dad joined in on the laughter.

"Good one Dan. You actually got me there." He said as we began to calm down.

"I try." I said as I fought a blush.

"You did great." Dad said.

We spent the next half hour talking as Dad explained the functions of the Map. Apparently, once I put my blood on the map, I could access the listening charms in all the common rooms, Great Hall, Professor McGonagall's (who he called Minnie) office, Finch's office and a lot of other rooms.

"As George said" Fred said, "with the Disillusionment Charm, we can't be caught"

"So Dan" Dad said, "Any Marauder name yet?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't you want to be a Marauder?" Dad asked.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Then you need a code name." Fred explained as I began to think about it.

"If it helps, I'm Ferret..."Fred explained as George continued 

"And I'm Martin,"

"Can't you pick one for me?" I said "I'm probably going to pick a stupid name that I'll regret"

"All right then," Fred said in a voice that made me think they'd been waiting for this for a while." I, Ferret of the Marauders, have taken it upon myself to name our youngest troublemaker, Howler."

"Howler?" I asked.

"It represents your temper, waiting is a horrible idea, if you wait too long, it's more fiery and louder" George said as I flipped him off.

"I like it," Fred said with a laugh as I smiled, struggling to stay angry at the twins.

Once that was over with, we spent a while just talking to my dad, before leaving with some new books on different types of magic. We all decided it was bet to wait for a bit before terrorizing Hogwarts, preferably till we found a fourth member.


Hermione's PoV

15th September 1991

"I hate your brother, " I declared as I sat down beside Dan and the other Hufflepuffs for supper in the Great Hall. Dan just raised an eyebrow at me, so I decided to elaborate. 

"So you know how Malfoy and Ronald got Harry into the obviously fake wizard's duel?" I said as all of them nodded.

"Well, it 'happened' yesterday. I was reading in the common room when the two of them tried  to sneak out. I tried to stop them, somehow followed them outside, and it turns out the Fat Lady left for the night, so we couldn't get in."

"So you guys walked into Malfoy's trap?" Dan asked.

"We walked into it. We  almost got caught by Mr. Filch, but we managed to outrun him, up till Ronald got Peeves mad," I said as everybody winced. Despite how little time we've spent here, everyone knows you don't make Peeves angry. Almost everybody it seems.

"Did you get caught?" Hannah asked as I shook my head.

"Worse. We ran into the third floor corridor," I said.

"Isn't it locked with various spells?" Susan said. "Lee Jordan from the twins' year tried it last week."

"Nope. It's only locked with a basic charm. Alohomora easily opened it" I said.

"So what was inside there?" Megan said with a giant grin "What devious monster is hiding behind the door?"

"A giant black Cerberus," I said, doing my best not to think about how big and scary the three headed dog was. I could swear my life flashed before me.

"What's that?" Megan said as Justin spoke up.

"A giant three headed dog. In Greek Myths, it's usually said to be the guardian of the Underworld and Hades' pet."

"Never knew you knew about Greek Mythology," I said as he shrugged and blushed a bit.

"My mum is a big fan," he said, before changing the subject, "But why is it there though? Cerberus are usually found as guards of something."

"Well there was a trapdoor underneath it's leg," I added.

"Anyone have any idea what it might be?" Dan asked.

"Who knows?" Susan said, "There are way too many important artifacts that Professor Dumbledore might want to protect. There's no way we can narrow it down without more information."

"There's gotta be some way we can narrow it down!" Megan said with a groan. "The older years have a bounty going on for information on the third floor corridor." as I looked at them in shock

"That's true, the twins said it's about 100 galleons now," Dan said as a glint entered his eye. 

"We need to get that money no matter what!" Hannah declared as I rolled my eyes at Hannah. The Abbott family was a quite respectable family and Hannah had way more snacks than most of us combined delivered in a day. On the opposite spectrum, the Weasleys barely received any packages, and I had heard Ron asking Harry for snacks a lot. It probably wouldn't hurt if we got that prize.

"We'll have to do some research and intelligence gathering first," I said, a plan forming in my mind. After all, friends always help friends

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