Chapter 8

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Dan's PoV

21st September 1991


"Hurry up Mr Potter, your mother is waiting for you in the antechamber," Professor Sprout said as we were eating.

"Okay Professor" I replied.

Since the Death Nibblers broke my old hand-me-down wand, Molly and Arthur thought it best to get me a new wand today, since we weren't doing much magic this couple of weeks rather than wait till half-term.

Hurrying up with my breakfast and saying bye to my friends who were going to look for more information on the mysterious Flamel, I walked quickly to the antechamber we came from on the first day, where Molly and Ginny were waiting for me sure enough.

"You remember how to use a Floo don't you, Dan?" Molly said as she held up a vase of Floo Powder and pointed to a set of fireplaces

"Yes Molly," I said as I got my own pinch, "I didn't even get injured, much less lose all memories of how to use the most popular form of transport in Magical Britain"

"If you say so." Molly said, "You and Ginny go first and wait for me outside. I need to get something from Professor Dumbledore"

"Alright" I said, throwing the Floo Powder into the fireplace and yelling clearly.


I then stepped into the familiar green flames, spitting me out at the Leaky Cauldron, which was currently somewhat empty since it was sill earl in the morning. The barkeeper, Tom, was at the bar, cleaning some glasses.

Stepping aside, I cleaned my clothes as Ginny stumbled out of the Floo.

Once we cleaned off all the soot, we then took a seat as we waited for Molly.

"How's Hogwarts?" Ginny asked.

"Apart from some Death Eater Juniors trying to kill me, not bad." I answered, "I'm a Chaser for the Puffs, and our first game is in November. I also made some more friends with some Muggleborns. You'd love Megan. How was school for you?"

"Booring," Ginny said, but before she could say more, Molly appeared, dusting off the soot on her clothes.

Once she had gotten most of the soot off, she strolled briskly to the wall by the bar, tapping her wand against the bricks and opening the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Instead of heading to Ollivander's, Molly went straight past it and headed for the imposing, snow-white, marble building located partway down Diagon Alley. Two goblin guards dressed in Gryffindor colours flanked the entrance.

"Mum, Ollivander's is that way," Ginny said, pointing in the other direction.

"I know dearie, but we need to get some money from Gringotts," Molly said as we walked past the guard into the bank and to one of the tellers.

"I'd like to visit Vault 687," Molly said to the teller.

"Key?" he asked as Molly brought out a gold key from her purse.

Taking the key, the goblin inspected it closely.

"Griphook!" the teller called as another goblin came towards us and led us to another door off the side that led to a narrow stone passageway lit with flaming torches. Griphook whistled and a small cart came hurtling up the tracks toward them. We climbed in and set off through a maze of twists and turns that were even worse than Hogwarts.

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