Part 5

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Everything was quiet if it wasn't for three steady breaths mixed together.


The first one to wake up was Jacob, noticing the heat difference in the air and the light up room he wondered how long he was aleep, searching for any cloock, he tried not to move too much.


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| 6:30 am |
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So they were asleep for about 7 hours since the power was gone and it was the best sleep he got since all the trubles with Bella for the past year.


Gazing down at the girl and noticing her holding the material of the borrowed shirt of the vampire he wore in her small fist made Jacob smile, then his eyes moved to the boy studying his features, long dark lashes, dark eybrows, small freckles on his sightly rosy cheeks barely visible with the sparkling skin but when you look closely you'll see them there, the relaxed explession and the bluish color of his lips-






But it was so hot here?



Why were they blue?



Feeling movement and Renesme steering up awake the wolfshifter got worrried if she got sick as well and he missed the symptoms but as she turned to face him she was all smiley and didn't look "bad".


"Sleep well?"


Rubbing her eyes she answered the question."Yes, whats wrong with (Y/N)? Is he feeling bad?"


Both turned to the vampire, his expression got even worse than a minute before- for sure it wasn't good-.


Deciding to wake him up and check whats going on Jacob lightly shook him awake a bit panicked not knowing what to expect.


Slowly opening his eyes (Y/N)s orbs meet the chocolate brown ones. If it wasn't for the fevered state (H/C) haired boy was in Jacob would still be staring at the dreamy look on the boys face.


"You're burning up."


"Yea, I can feel it."


"How can I help? Can I help somehow, since you're-" shaking his head (Y/N) moved the covers up to his nose to nuzzle in them while Renesme let go of her part to help her new friend get the material quicker.


"It will pass soon, I just need to get warmer."


"Are you sure?-"


"It's not the first time. Go make her something to eat, the kitchen is yours just be carefoul."


Not wanting to argue with a sick person both of the "intruders" went to the other room to make food.



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While they "trashed the kitchen" Jacob made sure to watch over both Renesme and (Y/N), little girl even volunteered to check the older ones temperature and play the doctor even tho the two of the adults knew it was pointless since vampires werent humans and they reacted differently especially the sick one right now.


Niether of them wanted to break the fun for her so they stayed silent letting her do whatever- it wasn't hurting anybody so why stop?


After the food was ready Renesme wanted to feed (Y/N) but thankfully Jacob talked her out of it. The warm meal seemed to help.


(Y/N)s skin got more "natural" color as well as his lips.


Standing across the small coffe table wolfshifter started collecting the dirty plates. "So, what made you get sick?"


"Yesterday evening, I went out for her without any coat on- cold and wind aren't really my favourite weather and thats the reason. As I told you- I'm weak, just the weather itself can make me go in state like today."


Seeing it first hand, Jacob understood why (Y/N) was so stubborn at keeping his word to not get involved with anything too "dangerous" for him, especially Volturis.


He himself was strong and wasn't alone, his pack had his back but not (Y/N).


The vampire was alone, he didn't have anybody.


He was alone in this part of the forest, nobody to talk to- so vulnerable.


It must be difficoult to trust someone after thats been broken by people you had known for years- just in couple of weeks.


So much things floated inside Jacobs head that he had trouble to choose what to say first.


A hand on his arm brought him back to reality, finally noticing his shallow breathing, trying to relax.


Wolfshifters ears caught a steady heartbeating sound.


Slow circles moving on the back of his wrist made him concentrate on the motion,


Brown orbs moved up the plane hand, forearm, shoulder, neck and finally focused on the vampires calm face- his eyes, warm understanding eyes.


"I think I lost you for a second there."
(Y/N) couldnt help but chuckle at the look Jacob gave him, but, it was a nice sound to hear.

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