Game Gone Wrong

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Chapter 1: Game Gone Wrong

“Throw the ball over here!” I looked over to see Josh waving his hands in the air. That boy never learns. He was instantly covered from three angles. I decided to go for the angle that wasn’t covered. Long shot, but hey I got skills.

I winked and set my plan into action. The expression on his face said I was insane. He still doubts me. I’ll show him. I looked to my right so he moved to his left. Our strategy has always been do the opposite of what I do. And it’s worked wonders I usually do the fighting and he does the scoring.

We make a great team. I remember the day we became friends. It was over a bet about three years ago. Josh was in the basketball team, stuck up, and annoying. I was at my regular chilled spot with some friends under the oak tree on the school grounds.

We were discussing how I could probably beat the basketball team single handedly. Josh happened to walk by and overheard the conversation. “I bet you couldn’t even beat me one on one.” He said mockingly.

“How much are we talking about?” I questioned.

“50 dollars, a date, and of courses bragging rights.” Josh had been used to having every girl melt for him.

“A date? In your dreams. Fifty and bragging rights? I’m game. Where and when.” I smirked.

“I will get my date. How about today? After school in the gym. Or do you need time to practice?” he taunted.

My friends broke out in hysteria. The confidence on Josh’s face was starting to slip.

“After school, don’t bring your friends. It’s embarrassing to lose to a girl in your own sport, specially being captain. Oh and one more thing bring a broom.” I said and went to go throw my trash away.

“Wait why would I bring a broom?” He looked a little lost so I helped him out.

“So you can sweep whatever’s left of your ego.” I smiled and left him there fuming.

After school I beat him like I said I would. I also promised I wouldn’t tell the whole school about him losing to me.

We became friends and we started teaming up against other teams. We became really good and I gained a great friend. We’ve even developed a communication system so the other players don’t know out next move. Yelling that you’re open isn’t part of it.

I zig zaged across did a half turn, dodge a couple of attacks. Soon I got to him and threw the ball. He scored the winning point. I could tell the other team wasn’t too happy about it. I mean if it were me I’d be the same.

“You guys cheated!” One yelled.

“It was five against two! And you’re saying we cheated?! How the hell did we do that?! Please enlighten me!” Josh replied.

“Hey if you don’t know how to lose then don’t play.” I added.

I got a sudden pain on my chest. Oh no. Not now. I swear if they touch him, I’ll end their lives personally.

“Back off Dylan.” I warned. I could tell he wanted to punch me. He was walking towards me with his hands in fists.

I guess guys don’t take losing to a girl so good. I had to look up to see Dylan eye to eye when he stopped in front of me. I saw Josh put his hand on Dylan’s shoulder. “Dude back up. If you think I’ll let you touch her you’re out of your damn mind.”

I looked over at Josh. I had never seen him so defensive.

“I can take care of myself.” I said. I knew Dylan wouldn’t hit me. Josh on the other hand might not get as lucky.

“Now is not the time to be your stubborn self.” He hissed.   I saw Dylan take a step back and come at me with his fist in the air. That bastard! He would have died instantly!

Josh pushed me out of the way and took the hit for me. Who knew he had such good reflexes? He instantly bounced back and went to get in couple of hits himself. They started going back and forth and eventually went to the ground. I swear boys never change, no matter the century.

“Stop.” I commanded.

They instantly parted. I went to Dylan first and grabbed him by his shabby hair. I pulled his head up and looked him in his bloody eye, “Leave.” I hissed.

He immediately got up without hesitation and left.  I guess sometimes it’s a blessing, but other times it’s a curse. Right now? A blessing.

I went to Josh next. I was relieved to see that Dylan got the worse of it. Josh only had a busted lip. Probably from that ring that Dylan always wore.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

It took his green eyes a few seconds to adjust. “I can’t believe that bastard was about to hit you!” He yelled outraged.

“I swear if he had done it, he’d be dead.” He continued to rant.

He had no idea how accurate he actually was.

“It’s okay, relax. Plus you know I can take a hit.” I said. I sat next to him.

“Damn it! I don’t care if you’re bullet proof! If someone shoots at you can be sure as hell I’ll step in front of you.” He yelled and got up. He started pacing furiously. I swear I’ll never understand men.

“Josh! Stop.” He immediately stopped and walked over to me. Right now? Curse. My friendship with him got to the point that I don’t need to look him in the eyes for it to work. I touched him on his shoulder and whispered some Ancient words. He finally snapped out of it.

I took his face in my hands and said, “I’m alright. I would have blocked him. Will you please calm down?” I made sure not to put any power behind my words. He nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

I suddenly felt a sharp stab on me left side of my stomach. NO! It can’t be. I’ve cloaked my presence here very well. I felt it again. I couldn’t help but scream. “Ahh!”

I felt Josh’s hands leave my back. “What’s wrong?!” He asked frantically.

“Nothi-” I felt it again.

I couldn’t hold myself up anymore, I fell to the ground. Luckily Josh was already holding me so he broke the fall. I tried blocking it but it was useless. I could tell whoever it was, was close. The pains came stronger and often. I’d be found within minutes.

I had to get rid of Josh. They would probably use him against me. Scratch that I’m sure they’ll use him against me. Damn the connection.

“Josh listen to me.” I tried speaking, but it hurt like hell.

“You have to go. I’ll be okay I promise. Just go.” By the time I finished I had tears down my cheeks.

I swear I’m going to make them pay for ever fucking tear.

“You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m leaving you. Come on I’ll take you to the hospital.” He tried picking me up. I couldn’t let him take me to a hospital. They would know I was different.

I felt the pain again. The strongest ever.

“Ahh! Damn it Josh! And I’m the one that’s stubborn. Please go! I’ll be okay. If you don’t, you’ll leave me no choi-” I felt it again.

I think I had about two minutes to get rid of him. I have to keep him in the dark. I took his face in my hands again, “Josh I’m so sorry. You need to go home. Don’t tell anyone about what you just saw. No pain, no memory.”

I kissed him on the cheek. He got up and left without saying another word. I better get to see him again. I cried out in pain,

“Damn you! You can stop now you bastard! I know you’re here. Show yourself.” The pain faded. I wiped the tears away. Someone is going to pay highly for what just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2013 ⏰

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