Through the Storms

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      Percy let out a "manly" squeal as another lightning bolt struck, following along with a boom of thunder. He knows Zeus is messing with him. Those two were never on good terms to start with, but this was a new low on the god's part. He knew he should've canceled the camping trip with Jason, but he, of course, went through with it just to make Jason happy. Jason wouldn't shut up about it. Percy recalled there five minute conversation.

"It's going to be our bro-time, Per! Think about it: the wilderness, surviving on our own, being manly. C'mon, tomorrow night. We can get away from all the other annoying campers. You just broke up with Annabeth two weeks ago, and I broke up with Piper last month. Let's go on a camping trip and clear our minds," Jason cajoled, trying to convince Percy beforehand. The two boys had just broken up with their girlfriends, and it was kind of hard for all of them. Percy had told Annabeth that he didn't feel the same way for her anymore, and she couldn't agree more. They started falling apart in different ways; Percy didn't have time to hang with her because of training and she didn't try anymore to talk to him. Jason told Piper that they wanted different things. Piper sighed, but understood completely. Jason wanted a long term relationship, but Piper didn't want anything too serious. Both guys were right, but neither had told their previous girlfriends the main reasons for their break ups. Jason and Percy secretly had a crush on one another, but neither knew the other one liked the other. Complicated, right?

"We are going to be within running range of the camp, you know that right? If a monster comes out to get us, you can easily run away like a little wimp," Percy laughed as he sharpened Riptide. Jason smirked while shaking his head. They were out training while the sun was still up high in the sky.

"I wouldn't be the one to run. You would." The two boys laughed, but Percy finally agreed on the camping trip.

Percy sighed as he realized his mistake of agreeing to this trip. Jason was out looking for some wood to create a fire with while Percy laid in their tent, curled up under a blanket. It wasn't even raining hard out, but the thunderstorm was relentless. Jason should be happy right now because, well after all, this is his domain. Thunder bolts and lighting are very very frightening...for Percy, that is. He wanted the storm to go away.

A huge boom startled Percy, making him cocoon deeper into the blankets.

"Oh gods. Please, Zeus, today was supposed to be clear skies and a happy sun. This is not said happy sun weather," Percy mumbled, trying to tune the scary storm out.

Jason was suddenly inside the tent, standing by the entrance. He had heard Percy talking, but he didn't know who he was talking to. A small smile made its way on his slender face. "Uh, Jackson? Are you talking to yourself...under the blankets?" Jason couldn't hold back the small laugh when he saw Percy peek his head out from under the blankets.

"Shut up, Grace. Tell your dad to stop torturing me with this storm. I'm not coming out from under here, just so you know." Percy was like a defiant child.

Jason ran his hand through his damp, blonde hair. He had on a Camp Half-Blood shirt, just as Percy was. Jason thumbed the bottom of his shirt whilst looking on the raven-haired boy. "Oh you're not going to come out?"

"Nope. Never in a million- oh my gods! Make the storm stop!" Percy yelped when a huge thunderbolt struck and thunder followed yet again. Percy went right back under the covers and started shaking. He was honestly terrified, but he couldn't help but think about how much Zeus must be enjoying this.

"Percy Jackson... are you shaking?"

"No, Jason. Why would I ever be shaking? I love scary storms," Percy's words dripped with sassy sarcasm. Jason couldn't see, but Percy rolled his eyes. Jason did the same thing.

through the storms // jercyWhere stories live. Discover now