i - oh god.

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chapter one
oh god.

third person pov!
tw: none!

--- AS SHE NIMBLY tied her shoes, her hair fell in front of her eyes - a newly dyed black color blurred her vision.

" FLETCHER! WYATT! C'MON! " she called from the bottom of the stairs, today was 'bring your family to school day' - so naturally Regan was bringing her stupid brothers.

" inform us again why we're coming to your stupid school? " Fletcher rolled his eyes, taking a pair of sunglasses and putting them on his face.

" it's family day at school, Fletch. calm down. " Wyatt rolled his eyes, taking the car keys out of the bowl by the front door, following Regan to the car. she climbed in the back while her brothers sat in the front.

the car ride was... chaotic to say the least. Regan wanted it to last forever - she loved when her brothers hung out with her. that way she wasn't alone all the time.

" alright, let's get this over with. " Fletcher joked, fist bumping his sister and twin brother, climbing out of the car like Regan did.

" don't embarrass me. alright? most of these kids don't even know who i am, but don't embarrass me. " Regan turned to Fletcher and Wyatt. they nodded and the three finally entered the school.

there's Evangeline! Regan thought to herself, running over to her only friend and engulfing her into a hug. " hey, Evan! hey Mr. and Mrs. Lamont. " Regan smiled, hugging Evangeline's parents.

" hello to you too, Regan! hi Fletcher, hi Wyatt. " Mr. Lamont greeted the Shears siblings. Fletcher and Wyatt smiled warmly at him and Mrs. Lamont.

" alright, class is starting soon, bye Regan, by Fletcher and Wyatt! " Evangeline smiled, walking off with her parents. Regan waved goodbye before taking her brothers to her first hour.

sure going to school with siblings shouldn't be stressful, but the thought of her older brothers embarrassing her made it stressful. considering there was a cute guy in most of her classes.

" remember the drill? don't fucking embarrass me. " she mumbled, making sure it was embedded in her brothers' minds not to say a single thing about her when she was growing up.

" yeah, yeah. can we get this over with? " Fletcher scoffed as they were entering the class - everyone was almost already there - including him.

" shut up, Fletcher. you had the option to opt out, idiot. " Wyatt smacked the back of Fletchers head as the two continued to bicker on and on about absolute nonsense.

" can both of you... stop? you're causing a scene. " she mumbled through gritted teeth, pulling on their ears to bring them to her level.

" ow, ow, ow! okay - okay! we get it, we're sorry! " Fletcher cried out, making Regan laugh and let go of their ears in a laughing fit.

" alrighty class! let's get this started, alright? so basically the drill is you'll come up here with your family members and introduce them, and yourself! let's start with... Regan Shears! " the teacher exclaimed. Regan watched as her brothers smirked while sharing a glance.

she let her eyes roll and a groan escape her mouth as she pulled herself from her chair with her brothers already up front making a fool of themselves.

" Fletcher and Wyatt. calm the hell down. " she groaned, turning to face the class - and hell were there a ton of people staring.

" uh... so i'm Regan Shears, and these are my older brothers - Wyatt, " she started, pointing to Wyatt before continuing on, " and Fletcher. " she ended by pointing to Fletcher who smiled and waved to the students.

" they're complete idiots, but i guess they're pretty cool. they play in a band that's decently popular and they're fun to hangout with. " Regan shrugged, stepping back to allow her brothers to take charge and introduce themselves to the class.

the introduction took five minutes before it was time for the next person.

a few students went before it was his turn.

" Shane Hawkins? it's your turn. " the teacher smiled, leaning back against his desk. it's almost as if the teacher knew Regan had a crush - because he looked dead into her eyes as he spoke.

" okay, well i'm Shane Hawkins. this is my dad Taylor and my uncle and cousin - Dave and Venus. " he spoke, smiling to the class. Regan began to swoon before she could stop herself.

she didn't notice Fletcher and Wyatt standing up to go send the teacher some videos of Regan doing stuff - most of them she'd find incredibly embarrassing.

" alright Shane! thank you, now, the Shears brothers have some videos to show us. " were the words that brought her out of her trance.

her eyes widened as Fletcher made eye contact with her smirking. the first video that showed up was Regan and her mom play just dance.

" Fletcher motherfucking Shears, turn it off! " she cried out, slamming her head on her desk. the second video was of her skating. it was in a abandoned pool, the first time she'd ever landed a cool trick.

the third video was one where Regan had originally sent to their family group chat it was her skating away from the police - she ended up getting caught.

" i remember that! " Wyatt laughed, fist bumping Fletcher as the two went on the explain exactly what happened.

behind her stood two grown men, they continued to stare at her back as she faced her phone - actively listening to a song that was playing.

" hey sweetie, where you going after this? " and alas the harassment began.

ended in the police being called when Regan began to physically fight them after one smacked her ass.

she won the fight but went on to flee the police on her skateboard.

she didn't get in trouble that day, but Fletcher and Wyatt sure got a kick out of the video she sent. they'd tormented her about it for way to long.

" that video is a literal year old! " Regan scoffed, flipping off her brothers in a act of hatred.

everyone in the class erupted into laughter, Regan pushed her head back into her arms on the desk.

" thank you, Fletcher and Wyatt! get better soon, Regan. " the teacher joked before speaking about the schools plans. basically - you'd pair up, not only with your family, but with another group from the school.

from then on, you have to stick with that group doing different tasks around the school in order to win gods know what.

" lastly, Regans group with... Shane's group! " as if it was fucking planned.

mars says
live love laugh

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